by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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For those of you who know we really well know that aside from fashion, I am a gym fanatic. I work out at 7:30 in the mornings everyday from Mondays- Fridays. People call me crazy, but I am passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, which means building a tone, fit body. I don’t only go to the gym a few months before summer to get the “summer bod.” Instead, I work out all year around because it makes me feel good and happy.

I’ll be honest and some of you may be turned off, but I don’t shower after I work out. Now before you judge me, know that I am drenched in sweat from cardio. Instead, I lift weights and yes there is sweat here and there, but nothing too crazy that requires a full shower session. I always clean my body after with wipes and obviously change ALL of my clothing and put on deodorant.

The one downfall about going to work after the gym is that I always feel like my gym clothes and gym bag smell a little funky.  I don’t have time to let my gym clothes breathe because I need to get ready and leave for work so I normally just stuff them in plastic bag and throw them in my gym bag. But I finally found a product that has solved this problem, so to let me introduce you to Squelch!

Squelch is a natural, scentless odor remover so once I spritz it on my clothes and bag, the sweaty smell is gone! I also love the packaging because it’s small and compatible, so you can carry it in your bag like you would your perfume. It also has many other purposes like removing smoke odor after leaving a bar, removing wine/coffee stains and even pet odor! If you’d like to try this inexpensive and useful odor remover, check out their website here. I know this has been a game changer for me and now it’s a must have in my gym bag!

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