Home BEAUTY 5 Effective Skincare Products Millennials Need

5 Effective Skincare Products Millennials Need

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*This is a guest post by Amy Mia Goldsmith

We are all aware of the fact that proper skincare is important, but it is really difficult to think about all that when you’re still in your 20s and don’t have any visible imperfections – yet. However, it’s paramount to understand that what you do now will have tremendous effects on how you look and feel in your 40s and 50s. It might be strange to think that far ahead, but the benefits of adequate skincare routine are bound to show immediately. This is why you can turn the skincare process into a habit and even a ritual, knowing that you’re doing something amazing for yourself. It’s not that difficult to start. The following skincare products can be the beginning of your journey to healthy, beautiful and radiant skin for decades to come.

1. A great moisturizer and anti-aging creams: Regardless of your skin type, you need to moisturize your skin. Of course, the best hydration comes from the inside, so don’t forget to drink enough water every day. However, as years go by, your skin will need a bit of help when it comes to hydration. This is why an effective moisturizer in the morning can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. In the evening, you can use an anti-aging cream. It’s said that the best time to start using anti-aging products is when you turn 25. Therefore, there are plenty of products in the market and you can choose one that suits your skin type and age.

2. A proper cleanser is everything: A skincare routine wouldn’t be complete unless you properly remove all the dirt and makeup before applying products. It’s essential that you cleanse your face at least twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Of course, a gentle yet effective cleanser is always the best option. For instance, Cosmedix active skincare range offers great options when it comes to quality cleansers. You can opt for Cosmedix Purity Clean cleanser that exfoliates your face gently, boosts circulation, hydrates and effectively cools it down. Remember, your cleanser doesn’t have to be abrasive in order to work its magic.

3. A serum makes a world of difference: One of the most groundbreaking products in the beauty world is undoubtedly its majesty – the serum. There are plenty of serums available and they provide different benefits to the skin. They are usually pretty liquidy and your skin soaks them up quickly. This is why you should use them in combination with your moisturizer/cream. The active ingredients concentrated in a serum can visibly improve your skin’s texture. For example, a vitamin C serum is a great solution for fading pigmentation mark and adding elasticity to the skin.

4. An eye cream for your under eyes: Not many people know that eye cream should actually only be used under and around your eyes, not your eyelids. With that out of the way, it’s important to say that an eye cream is not a gimmicky product. Yes, your regular face cream can moisturize the gentle area around your eyes too, but not as well as specially formulated products with active ingredients that work wonders for this particular area on your face. However, it’s also very important to choose the right eye cream for you. If you feel a tingling sensation when you first apply an eye cream, it’s a clear sign that that one probably isn’t for your skin.

5. Good quality base and makeup: Now, if you want to rock some nice looks and use foundation on your face, you should also opt for good quality products that don’t have any irritants or comedogens. Choosing the right makeup base and foundation is a very personal thing and it depends solely on your individual preferences and your skin type. This is why you should take your time when looking for these products.

As you can see, proper skincare routine, as well as good quality makeup, are essentials you have to think about even when you’re 20 if you want to be proud of your skin when you’re 50. However, don’t forget that skincare products are not all there is to healthy-looking skin. A balanced diet, rich in fruits and veggies will affect your skin and overall health greatly, too.

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mahryska October 16, 2017 - 22:16

proper skincare is surely important!
kisses from the sandpit ❤︎

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 17, 2017 - 15:18


Christine Kong October 16, 2017 - 22:24

I am all about skincare and fighting aging as much as possible. Serums, eye creams, and cleansing is so key! Never go to bed with makeup on it is the worst thing ever. I definitely think taking care of your skin while you’re young will have so many benefits as you get older and also great skin really shines through makeup too! xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 17, 2017 - 15:17

I noticed a huge differenced when I started to invest more into skincare. I didn’t really give two thoughts about it a few years ago but once I did, I now value skincare so much!

ANGELEBABY October 17, 2017 - 06:39

love these! i live for serums

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 17, 2017 - 15:16

Serums have done wonders for my skin!

Jenn October 17, 2017 - 15:32

Skincare is vital in keeping the skin healthy! I also see a difference when applying makeup – a smoother canvas. Eye cream is important for me because my eyes are on the puffier side so using Clinique’s all about the eyes really helps.

Jenn | http://www.lepetittato.com/

Ashley October 17, 2017 - 16:23

I love learning about new-to-me skincare! Great post, doll!

Le Stylo Rouge

The Fashion Folks October 17, 2017 - 19:49

Oh I’d love to find a good serum, have thought about it for awhile but need to find one that suits me too. They sound so lovely! Xx


mariann.yip@gmail.com October 17, 2017 - 20:00

Definitely look for a serum because it’s a great product to add to your skincare regime!

Jessi Malay October 17, 2017 - 23:17

I love this, it’s never too early for you to start taking care of your skin! Thanks for sharing this babe! Enjoy your week.

XO, Jessi

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 18, 2017 - 15:16

I couldn’t agree more! Skincare is so important and the earlier, the better!

Gracie October 17, 2017 - 23:54

Thank you Mariann for this post. I am having a lot of problems with my skin right now and trying to figure out wha is going on. I will check out your suggestions – maybe something will work.



mariann.yip@gmail.com October 18, 2017 - 15:16

Trust me, I’ve had my struggles with skincare in the past, but I am so happy with the condition right now so definitely check out these products!

Simone October 18, 2017 - 10:16

Your tips are very helpful! I’ve never used a serum, I definitely got to try it. Have a great day

xx Simone
Little Glittery Box

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 18, 2017 - 15:15

I didn’t use a serum before, but I added it to my skincare regime this year and it has been life changing!

Sharon Wu October 19, 2017 - 01:59

A good moisturizer and an eye cream is a must for healthy skin! I’ve recently also incorporated a serum into my routine as well and have been loving it 🙂 xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com October 19, 2017 - 16:24

I didn’t know how important serums were until I started to add them into my skincare regime!

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mariann.yip@gmail.com October 20, 2017 - 15:25

Thank you 🙂

Bernice October 21, 2017 - 11:40

Great skincare tips! I cringe whenever someone uses the same moisturiser for their eye area as they do for the rest of their face. Getting an appropriate eye cream is a must!


mariann.yip@gmail.com October 22, 2017 - 20:15

It’s definitely important to have a separate eye cream to really target that specific area.

Thomas Falkenstedt October 23, 2017 - 12:43

At first when I read the headline I was like, “wait Mariann, I know you’re young, but you’re not a millennial”…haha. Enter your wonderful guest blogger. I got a great deal of tips from reading this even if I’ve passed the millennial mark ages ago and it isn’t until very late I realized the importance of good skincare and most of all, a good serum! Great tips for everyone who doesn’t want to end up old and wrinkled like me, haha. 🙂
Thomas xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:08

Actually, I am a millennial haha!

Samantha Mariko October 23, 2017 - 14:16

I had to agree with each skincare product in this post!! I think because I had really bad acne a couple years ago, that helped with me doing all my skincare research and finding products to help prevent huge breakouts. Thanks for sharing this!
xo Samantha

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:06

I also suffered from acne as a teenager so skincare is very important to me. I’m so glad that my skin has cleared up and it’s just with the right products and research!

marcy October 24, 2017 - 07:58

Skin care is so important and glad you are sharing this quick guide for people that are younger because i started quite late in taking care of my skin. The earlier the better! I agree with all 5.


mariann.yip@gmail.com October 24, 2017 - 16:13

So glad you found this blogpost helpful! And yes, I used to have the idea that I didn’t need to care for my skin because I was too young but ever since I changed that mindset, my skin has been thanking me!

Jo October 25, 2017 - 17:21

Great list of must-have skincare and beauty products! My dermatologist once told me you can never start too early on using anti-aging products and now what I’m in my early thirties, I’m so glad I chose to listen to her. It’s so true that a preventive skincare routine is so key to keeping your skin healthy. I always make sure to include a serum and a moisturizer with SPF.

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 28, 2017 - 14:37

I am guilty of having that mindset as well. I used to think, Oh I’m young, I don’t have to worry about antiaging, but actually starting early doesn’t hurt at all!


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