by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit details with affiliate links: Sweater and Skirt (Primark) | Boots (Steve Madden) | Leather Jacket (Express) | Crossbody Bag (Luana Italy)

When it comes to life, I think everyone is trying to find a healthy balance between work and social life. I know it’s a constant struggle for many especially since we all have so much going on in our lives such as working a 9-5, taking 18 credits, having two jobs, etc. I’ve definitely had my struggles with juggling both but I think I have finally found the right balance between work and social life so I would love to share my 5 tips on how you can do the same.

  1. Schedule Social Events: I find out writing events on my calendar or my planner helps me to stick with my social plans more. I always try to have a dinner date with my friends from college and it’s always difficult because we all have different schedules. However, once we lock in a date, I make sure I put it on my phone and actually stick with it. My advice is to schedule everything else around those social events and make sure you commit to them because this will allow yourself to socialize and relax without feeling guilty or bailing.
  2. Take Breaks/ Unplug: I always think taking breaks is necessary so whether you have a job or in school, make sure you take some time to just unplug for a while. If you are studying for hours, make sure you take a break every 30 minutes. If you are in an office, make sure you take a few minutes to take a walk outside or get some water. I think taking short breaks actually help your body and mind to recover.
  3. Have Me Time: My me time usually revolves around working out because it’s an activity that I find therapeutic especially since I’m sweating and endorphins are running. It’s easy to get burnt out with work and even social events can be tiring, so make sure you are doing something for yourself and nobody else. This can be anything from reading to meditating to even watching Netflix!
  4. Be Productive: There are definitely ways that people can be more productive in their lives. This doesn’t necessarily have to be professional work. When I am in transit, I like to listen to podcasts that help my grow mentally and I think this is part of me time. However, I am being productive with my time because I am taking advantage of my commute, rather than doing nothing or listening to music.
  5. Manage Time Wisely: : Sometimes, we put off work or we work leisurely and I think this is an area that a lot of people can improve on. I’m not saying you have to rush to complete your task, but I think it’s important to set realistic deadline for yourself and not procrastinate. Personally, it feels amazing when I can check off my to do list because that frees up more time so I can focus more on my social life.

Do you struggle with balancing work and social life? What’s your biggest tip? I know it’s not easy to find a balance, but I think over time, once you find what works for you, it will become easier and I hope these tips were helpful!

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Christine Kong October 20, 2017 - 23:52

I definitely agree. With so much on our plates these days and everybody hustling it’s important to keep track of your life. I have a planner that I use to schedule in everything and also share a master calendar with my husband so we can keep track of the kids and each other’s lives as well. I think taking time for yourself is a crucial component of balancing life so that you can refocus and reenergize for the week. A little me time goes a long way in doing other things so it’s a necessary time! xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 22, 2017 - 20:17

I think you’ve mastered balancing work and social life since you’re also a mom. I would love to hear what a day in your life is like!

Bernice October 21, 2017 - 04:31

Definitely so important to balance work, and play! Completely agree that making the most of the time you have, and investing time in yourself to just enjoy is so essential for a happy life xx


mariann.yip@gmail.com October 22, 2017 - 20:16

So glad you found these tips helpful!

Jessie October 23, 2017 - 02:10

Having a right balance between work and social is so important! Thanks for sharing those tips. Among the 5 you have mentioned about, I found having ME time is the most important for me. So I enjoy myself a little more, reflect a little more, and do the things I love a little more frequent and most importantly I clears my head space. So I can see things thru clearly and find the right balance! THanks for another amazing post!

xx, Jessie

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:11

Putting yourself is extremely important. I think once you have yourself at check, it is easier to handle all of the other responsibilities.

Gracie October 23, 2017 - 02:12

For sure I am always struggling to balancing each day with exercise, school and social life. Thanks for the tips – very helpful.



mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:10

You just have to take it day by day and plan everything so you don’t get burnt out!

Comfy Cozy Up October 23, 2017 - 03:07

Great tips! Managing your time and scheduling meet time is important so that you don’t burn out. I have a lot going on, so ever few weeks I have me time…and it helps.

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:09

Definitely schedule me time because it’s important for self care!

mahryska October 23, 2017 - 06:14

great post hun!! definitely agree…balance is key!
kisses from the sandpit ❤︎

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:08

So glad you found it helpful 🙂

Thomas Falkenstedt October 23, 2017 - 13:05

For someone who truly balances with finding time to actually meet friends in between all the work I could do 24/7 if I wouldn’t put a stop to it, this was important reading. Just like you I’ve began scheduling in meeting friends and socializing. Combining that with me time is equally important and I got a great idea from you for when commuting, that is, to listen to podcasts or why not audiobooks when I’m in transit. I’ll take that advice literally.
Thomas xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:08

I think you would love podcasts! It’s such a great way to still grow while using your downtime. Let me know how that goes for you 🙂

Vanessa October 23, 2017 - 13:58

Such a great post and I couldn’t agree more! Balance is key and managing your time wisely is SO important! Love the look as well!
Happy Monday, babe!
xoxo, Vanessa

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:07

Thank you Vanessa 🙂

Samantha Mariko October 23, 2017 - 14:21

You always give the most helpful and amazing tips! Time management is so important to be successful in balancing everything, and also incorporating down time for yourself. I would be all over the place if I didn’t have that down!
xo Samantha

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:04

Time management doesn’t always come easy to everybody, but yes I’m glad I also have that down because it has helped me tremendously with blogging.

Sharon Wu October 23, 2017 - 15:42

Me time is so important and I need to remind myself that more often. As someone who works from home, it’s so easy to overwork and not realize it! I am a workaholic! Lol. There isn’t much of a social scene out here in Palm Springs but my bf and I have been making it a point to do at least one date night somewhere nice each week so that we can step away from work and squeeze in some personal time together! Great tips babe! xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com October 23, 2017 - 16:03

Thank you Sharon! I’m so glad you found them helpful. I am also a workaholic but sometimes, I feel like I’m not even sure what I’m doing haha. I think it’s a great idea that you and your boyfriend try to have a date nice each week because that will help your relationship and satisfy your social life!

marcy October 24, 2017 - 08:08

Gosh this is my everyday struggle lol! Ever since I quit my corporate job I feel I work more theres always so many thing to do!! But true you just need to be more organised and have time to enjoy, and also disconnect for a selftime!
Thanks for the reminder babe!


mariann.yip@gmail.com October 24, 2017 - 16:12

I definitely get overwhelmed every now and then with what I have on my plate but being organized and writing everything down definitely helps.

Jo October 25, 2017 - 20:35

I totally needed this! I still find it a bit hard to unplug when I should but I’m getting a bit better at it. You do have to consciously make time for it. I like your first tip about scheduling around social events instead of the other way around.

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 28, 2017 - 14:35

I recently took a social media detox for a few days and it’s been wonderful. It’s great to work on my blog since it’s my career but I also understand the importance of finding time for myself and friends and family.

Rachel Vogt October 25, 2017 - 23:16

Yes, definitely agree with you on all points, I’m trying to juggle a fulltime job, social events for blogging, friend and make sure my husband doesn’t feel neglected. I need to take on some of your tips.

mariann.yip@gmail.com October 28, 2017 - 14:33

Life can be difficult and a lot of us struggle with balancing everything on our plate, but I think if you try to block out some time for each priority, it will become easier.


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