by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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Color blocking is a great way to add some flavor to your outfit. It’s definitely a more bold approach when picking out outfits especially if the colors are bright. I found this cardigan on an online boutique and I absolutely fell in love with the colors. The navy blue and green grass aren’t colors that people often wear together, but that’s precisely why I found the combination appealing.

It’s different and unique, which makes for a great statement piece. I also think it’s super easy to wear since the colors speak for itself. You can just put on any plain jeans and some shoes and the look will be complete because the cardigan is the main show. I received many compliments wearing this today and that just validates my decision when purchasing this item.

I am also obsessed with cardigan outerwear pieces and have bought two other designs that I will soon feature on my blog. I tend to go through phases where I love certain pieces and buy several of them and then move on to a different phase. But being that it’s February and a bit chillier, I don’t think you can go wrong with cardigan pieces because they’re great for layering and can wear throughout all four seasons.


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