by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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“This post was sponsored by Vera Wang Fragrances as part of an Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”

I don’t think we take the time to celebrate ourselves enough. I think too often we become judgmental of who we are and get wrapped up in what we need to do and plan for the next day rather than just soaking in the moment. I’m guilty of this too. We, as women especially are hard on ourselves whether it’s due to society standards or personal criticism, but it’s important to take a minute to celebrate ourselves and feel beautiful.

I was gifted the Vera Wang Gardenia and Marigold perfume and I was ecstatic to try it. Upon first impression, I was blown away by how elegant and chic the bottle looked. The peach color is so pretty that I honestly don’t even want to use it. The perfume is a light, sweet, floral scent and I absolutely cannot get enough of it because it’s the perfect smell to wake up to. When I spray it on, it makes me feel confident and ready to conquer the day. I put it in the morning before I leave for work and I’m immediately in a positive mood and ready to tackle whatever is on my plate. Since it’s also a light peach color, it gives me a sense of intimacy. I don’t necessarily mean this in a romantic way with someone else, but rather with myself. It’s a perfume that makes me feel beautiful in my own skin and it’s a feeling I want to hold onto forever! The Vera Wang Gardenia and Marigold perfume also makes a great addition to your vanity or room because the color is pretty and lights up any space.

I know there are some women who never pamper or thank themselves, but every once and a while, I think it’s important to celebrate ourselves! You should treat yourself every now and then, especially if you’re a hardworking person. When I first found out this perfume was from Vera Wang, I thought the price range would be around $90+ because that’s that average cost of most perfumes. I was surprised to learn that this is only $29.99!!! It’s definitely affordable and it is available for purchase in store and online at Kohl’s.

It’s a great steal, so I definitely would encourage you try this newest fragrance from the Vera Wang Embrace Collection and let me know if you love the smell just as much as I do. You can also enter the contest hosted by IC for a chance to win one of the ten fragrance kits from Vera Wang. The contest is live until July 12, 2016 and all you have to do is choose a social media sharing option from the link below. You have nothing to lose, so go enter now and good luck!

Vera Wang Embrace Fragrance Collections

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Julia (The Velvet Runway) July 2, 2016 - 13:39

Great review! The bottle is so pretty!!
Thanks for sharing
Julia xx

Laura July 2, 2016 - 14:13

I’ve heard this is such a great fragrance – I need to remember to try it next time I’m shopping!


Gigi August 25, 2016 - 03:07

I totally agree with you! Sometimes the bottles are too pretty to open and use!! xx


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