by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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I am visiting Hong Kong for two whole weeks and I am so excited to document my journey. For those of you who don’t know, my family is from Hong Kong so a part of my decision to visit this country is to visit family, but the other is to also explore the beautiful island. I’ve been to Hong Kong three times before, once when I was young around five, the second time when I was 14 and the last time was when I was 18. However, all three times, I stayed with my family and did everything my parents wanted because I obviously wasn’t old enough to explore myself. This time, I am visiting with my parents, younger sister and my boyfriend.

Here’s a list of the attractions and places that I would recommend and a quick blurb of my thoughts:

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  • Man Mo Temple: This is a temple that is a tribute to the God of Literature (Man) and the god of War (Mo). Students studied both figures in their study of civil examinations in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. It is definitely a place I would recommend because it’s beautiful and filled with culture and history. You can also learn how the locals pray and the process behind it. I am by no means religious and you definitely do not have to be religious to visit this place. I respect all religions, but I still think this is a place worth visiting to get a feel of the Chinese temple.
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  • Clock Tower/ Bruce Lee Statue: I’m sure a lot of people are aware of the Bruce Lee Statue in Hong Kong. Whether you are a fan or not, I believe it’s worth taking a visit to the Avenue of Stars, which is basically the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. This is also close to the Clock Tower, which is a known landmark in Hong Kong. The area is absolutely beautiful because it’s surrounded by palm trees and it’s a great way to spend an afternoon and evening.
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  • Victoria Harbour: This is a must see!!! This natural landform is right near Clock Tower and Bruce Lee Statue so I would recommend doing all three at once so you are killing multiple birds with one stone. The view is absolutely breathtaking and I think going around sunset is the best. You can then take the ferry across the port and take the metro to Happy Valley Racehorse, which is the next attraction I suggest going to.
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  • Happy Valley Racehorse: If you love horses, action, beer and food, this place is for you! I’ve never been to a horserace, so this was quite an experience! You have the option to bet on horses and enjoy the race with thousands of other people. If you want a seat, definitely go there early. This occurs Wednesdays from 7-11 pm, but if you just want to experience the race, you can get there anytime and enjoy the food and action.
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  • Ladies Market/ Temple Street Night Market: You simply can’t leave Hong Kong without visiting one of their street markets. The Ladies Market is good to visit during the day and the Temple Street Night Market is obviously better at night as the name implies. Both are very similar in terms of the items they sell, including clothing, souvenirs, gadgets, etc. Bargaining is encouraged, but you should try to go with a local or someone who speaks Chinese because you will definitely get a better deal than a tourist who speaks only English.

I am thoroughly enjoying myself in Hong Kong! I have another 10 days ahead of me so I will document my adventures into more parts. I highly recommend visiting this island if you haven’t already because there are so many activities, history and attractions that suits everybody.


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Maria Jose Abad May 23, 2016 - 09:29

All your travel posts are making me so jealous but I’m so glad you’re having a good time.
Come back soon so we can all hang out with the lovely New York City Style Collective ladies.
MariaOnPoint http://mariaonpoint.com/ | Find me on IG https://www.instagram.com/mariajabad/

mariann May 23, 2016 - 14:07

Yes definitely! I would love to meet you in person 🙂

Adrianna Naomi May 23, 2016 - 15:51

Loved this post! Hong Kong’s defo on my bucket-list. And I can totally relate to wanting to visit somewhere to reconnect with your fam, keep having a wonderful time in those next 10 days hun!

With love,

Adrianna Naomi

mariann June 8, 2016 - 16:55

Thank you love! Now that I’m back, let’s please get together because I miss your pretty face.

Style Tomes May 24, 2016 - 13:42

I can’t wait to see more!! I’ve been to Hong Kong twice but for VERY brief visits, so I would love to go back for a longer stay. It’s such a cool city with so many amazing views.
Style Tomes ||ST on IG

Jaleesa June 9, 2016 - 00:36

I love your reviews of all the attractions you visited! You definitely stayed busy! Now I need a vacation!


mariann June 9, 2016 - 15:28

Plan one!!! I love travelling and I encourage everyone to do so!


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