Home BlogTRAVEL DUBAI 2013

DUBAI 2013

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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Dubai was amazing!!!! I went in December of 2013, which is obviously more than a year before this blog was created, but I wanted to still showcase the photos and memories I took during my fantastic week trip with my mom and sister. A lot of people were surprised when I said I was going to Dubai, simply because it’s not exactly the top destination on people’s bucket list, but that’s exactly why I chose this over Italy. I’ve been all over Europe since I studied abroad in 2012, which was the year that enhanced my love for travel, but I’ve come to realize that I prefer the less publicized destinations. I figure you can go to Paris and London anytime in your life, but when do you get the opportunity to go to Dubai?

I went on a guided tour for the whole trip with Gate 1 Travel. My favorite parts of the trip was definitely going to the dessert. I’ve seen this in films, but never imagined I’d actually step foot in a dessert. The surprising part was that it wasn’t scorching hot. It was actually very comfortable and the sand was a bit cold. We rode camels and had a bonfire at night with music and dancing. It was very memorable because everybody was having fun and there were no cares in the world.

I will say that the food was okay, nothing spectacular. I am a huge foodie and I am always down to try new food, but I remember we ate a lot of Mediterranean food such as hummus and pita bread and eastern cuisine which included falafel, shish kebab and shawarma. Now I have nothing against those types of food, but personally, it wasn’t my favorite.

All in all, it was a great trip and I recommend people to go somewhere different. You’d be surprised by what you discover and what you learn.










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