Home BlogTRAVEL SPAIN 2017

SPAIN 2017

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit Details with affiliate links: Top (shein), Sneakers (Greats), Jeans (Pacsun)

I just came back from a week trip to Spain and wanted to recap it as I always do with all my travels. I toured southern Spain about ten years ago with my high school and I have fond memories of Madrid but it didn’t go down as one of my favorite places. I was excited to give it another shot since I am now older and have a much better appreciation for a foreign country especially since I was doing this trip independently and willingly.

There were a lot of things on my to do list prior to going on this trip and I am usually the crazy one who makes itineraries beforehand but this time, I actually wanted to wing it. I usually also have certain expectations for a trip. Sometimes I like to be an extreme tourist and see all the must see attractions. Other times, I want to experience the culture and food so I tend to visit museums and restaurants. This time, however I wanted to go with the flow and see what others recommended.

I’ve listed my personal must do things in Spain and must eat restaurants. These basically summarize everything I did during my trip since I was there for a short amount of time so these activities made up my highlights.

Must Eat Places:



  • El madrono: To be completely honest, I was not the biggest fan of the food but most likely it was the dish I ordered. I had salmon with eggs and chips but I felt like everything was way too salty for my liking so I was pretty disappointed. You might wonder why this is on the list but I am putting this down for the wine and chocolate which was suggested by my local tour guide. Essentially the wine is poured into this little cup made of chocolate (think of a ice cream cone). Once you take the shot, you eat the cone so it’s like a sweet dessert and I thought the concept was unique and it was tasty. This is near the center of Madrid so I definitely think it’s worth visiting since you can just go to the bar and order this. Unfortunately, I was too excited and drank it before I was able to take a photo, but I’m sure you can imagine how it looks.
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  • Los Artesanos 1902/Chocolatería San Ginés: Both of these places are known for the churros and chocolate but according to TripAdvisor and yelp, Sin Gineas is more popular. I thought they were both delicious and worth visiting. Los Artesanos’s hot chocolate was thicker but San Gineas’s chocolate was creamier. I don’t think you would be disappointed in either but I think you should go to both places if you’re visiting Madrid because it’s an excuse to have churros and chocolate in two different places.
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  • Sobrino de Botin: This is the oldest restaurant in the world according to Guinness Records so I knew I had to make reservations and eat here. I also heard about this place during my free walking tour and had the chance to tour the restaurant before eating. The place is rather small and you can tell that there was a lot of history due to the interior structures and old wine cellar. It’s definitely not a modern restaurant but a very unique and once in a lifetime opportunity so if you would love to say you’ve eaten at the oldest restaurant in the world, come here! The food was absolutely delicious and the staff is very attentive. I think if you are going to indulge in something in Madrid, eating here would be the best choice!
  • Jamon: Jamon in Spanish means ham and this isn’t a restaurant but a generic dish you must try. It’s hard to miss since they serve this everywhere but I thought the restaurants that I had it were delicious. This makes for a great appetizer and also random stores that only serve ham.
  • El Tigre: This is a bar that was recommended by multiple people and I can definitely see why after going! They are known for their tapas and I didn’t have much expectations since I thought all tapas tasted somewhat similar. However, I’m not sure what it is but their food was absolutely delicious! We had tapas which included baguettes with ham and cheese, paella with chicken and croquettes. The environment is very much of a bar and there are no seats so be aware that you will be standing. This makes for an easy eat and go or socializing with friends at night. I didn’t bring my camera on this particular day, but if you google it, there are tons of delicious photos that pop up!

Must See Attractions/ Must Do Activities: 





  • El Toledo: Toledo used be the capital of Madrid and it’s only an hour bus ride from Madrid but I highly recommend visiting if you have time because it’s a great day trip. I love taking day trips to cities outside of the main city I am usually staying at because it gives me a difference experience and perspective. The city is very old and filled with steep cobble stone streets, narrow alley ways and lots of sword shops. However, it’s a great way to spend the day because it’s very peaceful and there are a lot of panoramic views of the city. I took an express bus with a guided tour and it cost 24 Euro which I thought was a great deal.
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  • Prado Museo: There are many museums in Spain but I heard Prado Museo was the best one so that’s the only one I made a priority to visit. I went on Monday from 6-8 because it’s free and thought it was a good time to visit. Be prepared to see a long line when you arrive at the museum during the free hours, but don’t worry because it moved pretty quickly. If you are the type to explore every single room in a museum and really take time to give each piece the attention it deserves, then I would recommend going earlier because this museum is huge! I was getting overwhelmed only after an hour so just think about the type of person you are so you can plan accordingly.
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  • Walking tour: I always go on a free walking tour whenever I travel because as I mentioned in my previous travel posts, this is the best way to get to know a city. The tour guides are often locals and if not, they have been in the city for a good amount of time to be able to talk about the history and attentions. I went with Ogotours and you can just book the time and day online. The tour is completely free and you tip based on your satisfaction at the end.
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  • Santiago Bernabéu Stadium: Futbol or soccer (as we Americans call it) is huge in Europe so it only made sense to attend a Madrid game. If you’re not a huge soccer fan, I still think you should experience a sports game if it so happens that there’s a game during your visit. If not, you can also tour the stadium because it’s a cool experience. You get to go through the seats, the museum which showcases all of the accomplishments and history of Real Madrid and you also get to visit the locker rooms and press room which I thought was very exclusive.
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  • San Miguel Market: If you google things to do in Madrid, the San Miguel market will be across most lists. For foodies like myself, this is a great place to visit because there are many great foods to try. I would compare this to the Smorgasburg of New York. I also liked that there was a huge range of foods to choose from so I am sure you can find something that satisfies your cravings!
  • Monasterio Del Corpus Christi: On my walking tour, I was informed that you can buy cookies from this church. The interesting part is the transaction process because you are not allowed to make any contact with the nuns. So how it works is that you press a buzzer and they let you in. You follow the directions when you enter and you will find a turning table. They place the cookies, turn it and you take what you want. Then you put the money and turn the table back so they can receive the payment. As you can see, there is no contact with the nuns so it was a sketchy but unique experience to say the least. I would highly recommend experiencing this since the church is right near the center of the city and it’s not something you do daily! I of course, didn’t take any photos during this experience but it will definitely go down in my memories

Overall, my trip was amazing and I had a lot of fun. I wish I was traveling from Spain to another country since it is so easy to travel within Europe. I love traveling because I always find another part of myself through exploring a foreign country. I am currently planning for my next trip so stay tuned for the reveal!

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Linh Winn February 28, 2017 - 05:39

Wow!!! SPAIN LOOKS AMAZING! I would love to visit here one day and after looking at these photos I’m bumping this to the top of my Travel list. I hope you have so much fun girl!

xx Linh


Samantha Mariko February 28, 2017 - 15:31

Ah!! everything in this Spain travel diary is to die for! I’ve never visited, but the food (omg churros!) and all the tourist destinations like that cathedral are just all on my bucket list now!

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 1, 2017 - 16:39

The churros were amazing! Definitely a food highlight 🙂

francesca February 28, 2017 - 20:03

You make me want to visit now!! How amazing. Love your cool outfit!
Frank Vinyl : A California Fashion Blog

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 1, 2017 - 16:37

Thank you love! You should definitely plan a trip to Spain 🙂

Sharon Wu February 28, 2017 - 23:01

Omgggg you are giving me major FOMO and wanderlust babe haha! I wish I could travel Spain too! Will have to add that to my list of places to travel soon 🙂 xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com March 1, 2017 - 16:35

Yes you should definitely go! I think it’s a great place to experience food and culture 🙂

Stephanie March 1, 2017 - 19:38

It sounds like you had such a grand trip and got to experience so many amazing things! I really hope I get to visit Spain one day. The churros and chocolate sounded decadent, the Prada Museo sounded so cool, and I love that you got the cookies from the nuns – that’s such a unique experience!

Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 3, 2017 - 22:30

Yes the nun cookies is definitely worth a trip to Spain itself! I had a great time and can’t wait to travel more!

Miki March 1, 2017 - 22:15

Great photo! This makes me miss Spain! It looks like you spent some time in Madrid and went to my two favourites. I did a trip from Barcelona all the way down to Mallorca 2 summers ago. My husband lived in Spain, so we went to San Ginés and to Botin. San Gines is actually where all the locals go after bar hopping around the city drinking and eating tapas. It’s like a ritual to end the night for a lot of people. So good that you hit both. I hope you had some amazing Jambon. They have some really high quality ones there that are delicious! 🙂


mariann.yip@gmail.com March 3, 2017 - 22:29

I am so glad you experienced San Gineas and Botin! Arent they such wonderful places? I feel like one you travel and you eat at amazing restaurants and have delicious foods, you start to miss them. I’m obviously back in NYC and won’t be able to have the same hot chocolate or meal at Botin!

Jo March 1, 2017 - 22:42

I kick myself for not having gone to Spain when I was living in the UK! It’s so nearby, I should have planned a trip! Will definitely put this on the travel itinerary and bookmark your amazing suggestions. Thanks for sharing!

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 3, 2017 - 22:27

It’s so easy to travel within Europe once you’re already there. You should definitely visit Spain if you’re ever back in the UK or in Europe 🙂

Yasmin March 2, 2017 - 06:13

I went to Spain in high school too! But I haven’t been back since unfortunately. Those churros look amazing. I want! Also, your top is adorable. I say travel without a plan if you want to have a mysterious adventure!

That’s such great advice, especially as you have experience learning it yourself. Focusing on your work and putting that above other things, including having a life, can be tough. But it’s the beginning of your career that’s the hardest and sometimes loneliest. But success doesn’t come without hard work, right?! Keep up the hard work!

xx Yasmin

Yasmin March 2, 2017 - 06:14

Oops! I accidentally copied my comment from another blog after the comment I wrote you when I was just trying to add my name haha. Sorry about that!

Linh Dao March 3, 2017 - 03:47

WOWWW this looks amazing! I wish I was there! all the food and the scenery! Can you take me with you next time!?

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 3, 2017 - 22:26

Haha we can definitely arrange that!

Jenn Hanft March 3, 2017 - 04:47

OMG Spain looks breathtakingly gorgeous! Barcelona has been on my travel list for a long time coming! I bookmarked this for future reference when I plan on traveling there. I honestly can’t wait. So glad you enjoyed yourself!!

XO Jenn

Iga Parker March 3, 2017 - 10:20

I’m so jealous of your trip to Spain! I’m planning on going this Summer, so your post is super helpful! and… it made me feel so hungry! haha!


Jordan Chapman March 3, 2017 - 10:47

I was in Spain this time last year and it was so amazing!! I loved the atmosphere and the culture!! Bernabéu is a gorgeous stadium, you have to go for a game!!
Jordan xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 3, 2017 - 22:26

I actually did go for a game! It was incredible 🙂

Josie March 4, 2017 - 05:04

Traveling is seriously the best investment! I love these pictures from Spain. I like reading travel guides so this is very practical. I have never been in Spain but would love to! Also the churros !!! omg!

Bisous, Josie

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 6, 2017 - 19:08

Spain is gorgeous and I think you should totally plan a trip if you’re ever in Europe 🙂

Caitlin March 4, 2017 - 17:02

Spain is beautiful right?!

Caitlin, Beauty & Colour

Candace March 4, 2017 - 22:38

I have heard Spain was pretty, but never would I have imagined there’s so much to do there. It’s gorgeous beyond belief! I also like travel to outside cities to look at to also shop! The culture may be similar, but there is always something different to see 🙂


mariann.yip@gmail.com March 6, 2017 - 19:06

I couldn’t agree more! I make it a priority to explore outside of the city because there’s so much to offer 🙂

Thomas Falkenstedt March 4, 2017 - 23:54

What a lovely travel review and great tips even for a seasoned visitor to Spain. I’m glad you got to experience Madrid once again without all the musts and have to do things and just winged it. That’s what I usually do too when I’m on vacation. Have some must sees, but mostly just wing the rest of the trips. Thanks for all your lovely tips!


mariann.yip@gmail.com March 6, 2017 - 19:06

Thank you Thomas 🙂 I have learned to plan less and go with the flow more 🙂

Deddeh Howard March 6, 2017 - 01:48

Oh I’m ready for spring and you look
So beautiful and amazing. The food makes me hungry tho.

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 6, 2017 - 19:05

I am all about food when I travel so I had to post all of the delicious dishes I had 🙂

Nina Nguyen March 6, 2017 - 03:08

OMG I’ve always wanted to go to Spain!! After seeing your post I need to make it happen sooner than later! Thanks so much for sharing, I’m glad you had an amazing trip!!


mariann.yip@gmail.com March 6, 2017 - 19:05

You should definitely go if you’ve been thinking about it! It was a lot of fun and also affordable 🙂

Kusum March 6, 2017 - 18:54

Your trip to Spain sounds amazing! I am a tad bit jealous too, haha. Saving this for when I go to Spain. And excuse me while I go find myself some churros.

xx, Kusum | http://www.sveeteskapes.com

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 6, 2017 - 19:04

The churros was definitely a highlight. You definitely need to visit Spain 🙂

Jessi Malay March 6, 2017 - 20:57

Your trip to Spain looks absolutely amazing! I’ll definitely have to add Spain to my travel bucket list 🙂

XO Jessi,

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 7, 2017 - 19:12

Yes definitely add it to your bucket list 🙂

Adelina March 6, 2017 - 21:42

Oh my GOODNESS!!! Spain is one of my favorite placed on EARTH! And now that I am officially starving after reading your posts, lol, I can’t help but dream about going again sometime soon (hopefully)! Thank you for sharing babe!

xx, Adelina

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 7, 2017 - 19:12

Spain was so much fun and I’m so glad you were able to experience it before! If you end up going back, let me know 🙂

Rachel Vogt March 7, 2017 - 19:55

This place looks so wonderful babe, I love visiting Spain and their food are amazing.
xoxo, Rachel

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 8, 2017 - 19:33

The food was absolutely delicious and I already miss it!

Lucy Hernandez March 7, 2017 - 22:48

The mother land! I was born and raised in Barcelona and if you haven’t been you should def put it at the top of your list! By far one of my favorite cities in the world and I’ve been to a lot of them. I didn’t quite catch was this trip back in Madrid? If so I’m so glad you got a better i pression of it this time! The food looks amazing and I love how you capture some of the culture with the flamenco dancers and our beautiful museums!

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 8, 2017 - 19:31

I have been to Barcelona before and absolutely loved it! I actually had so much fun there and it’s one of my favorite places thus far. And yes, I spent a majority of this trip in Madrid 🙂

Atsuna Matsui March 7, 2017 - 23:19

I actually traveled to Spain a couple of years ago with my family so these photos definitely makes me nostalgic. The food looks soo delish and I loved their seafood there! 🙂


mariann.yip@gmail.com March 8, 2017 - 19:30

Isn’t Spain wonderful? I love traveling mostly to experience different cultures and of course food!

marcy March 15, 2017 - 11:14

Never been to Spain but is on my bucket list f this year!! Looks like you have a great time and so much places to visit and get so great inspiration. Love Spanish food too!


mariann.yip@gmail.com March 15, 2017 - 14:32

You should definitely go and I’m sure you’ll love it because I have been following your travel adventures 🙂

mariann.yip@gmail.com March 17, 2017 - 14:54

I wish I can have some right now!!


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