by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit details with affiliate links: Crop Top (Forever 21), Pants (Uniqlo), Shoes (Tedish)

Photoshoot location: 1QPS Tower

I am proud to say I am one of those people will  list organization skills as a strength because I feel like I’ve mastered that area through experience and practice. It’s amazing to see how your life falls in place and how easier it is to accomplish your goals when you are organized. Especially since I am now working for myself, it is imperative that I stay organized because it keeps me on track for my daily tasks and makes it easier to manage my time.

Today, I decided to list five ways that I stay organized in hopes that these tips can help you with your life. Some of them might some obvious but you’d be surprised how people find it hard to adopt these habits into their routine.

  1. Have a planner: I highly recommend getting a planner to organize your life and schedule because it’s a great way to keep everything in one place. Throughout my years in school, I always had a planner and it was practically my bible. I wrote all my homework assignments, tests schedules, projects deadlines, birthdays, weekend plans, etc. Writing everything down and seeing it on paper made me accountable of what I had to do and it was easier to stick with it.
  2. Make to do lists: You can’t tell me that you don’t get satisfaction by checking off a task on your to do list! I suggest making a to do list of your priorities for that day and making it a conscience so they’re realistic to attain for that specific day. You don’t wan to overwhelm yourself with making tasks that are due a week or two from now. This will allow you to be more focused because you have certain tasks that needs to be completed by the end of the day.
  3. Create Schedule: Create a schedule with timelines and deadlines for your day. For me, I like to give myself time frames of when I will work on a specific task. For example, I check my social media in the mornings after the gym from 9:30-10:00 am. At 10 am, I make breakfast. You don’t have to be so strict to the point of beginning and ending every task by the minute, but these schedules will allow you to do everything on your to do list and not get distracted.
  4. Do not Multitask: I know all of us do this and you might argue that multi tasking helps you stay organized, but I will argue the opposite. I think multitasking is a form of not being present in the moment and not focusing on the task at hand. If you are responding to an email, but also listening to Spotify, then you are not giving your undivided attention to your emails. Focus on one task, put all your effort energy and time to do it until it’s completed. I find that this has helped me work faster especially when it comes to drafting blog posts like this one since this is my main priority at the moment.
  5. Take Breaks: Taking breaks is healthy and will give you the fuel to keep on going. Being organized doesn’t mean you have to work, work, work. It means you have a vision of what you want to accomplish for the day, you set your priorities and schedule out, and you just do them until you check them off. I like to use breaks throughout the day by calling my sister, taking a walk, listening to a podcast, etc. Those little moments can be filled with things that you enjoy because it will keep you sane.

Let me know if these tips were helpful and how you stay organized!

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Samantha Mariko April 21, 2017 - 16:30

All of these tips are great ways to stay on track! I tend to try to multitask a lot, and I’ll forget to do things this way… but when theres so much to do, I can’t help it! haha

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 21, 2017 - 17:17

I multi task every now and then too, but I try to devote my undivided attention to a specific task rather than several. I find that it helps to complete the work in its entirety better.

Gracie April 21, 2017 - 20:44

First of all love the sneakers. Thank you for all the tips to stay organized. I think I am pretty organized with my time – school, studies, exercise, blogging, and diet. But I need to be a little more less cluttered in my closet. Good tips.



mariann.yip@gmail.com April 21, 2017 - 21:03

That’s so funny that you mention clutter in your closet because I am going through the same situation. For me, it’s because I get so many packages from PR companies and goody bags from events, but I make an effort to clear everything out once a week to give me room more space.

marcy April 21, 2017 - 21:21

Such great post babe!! My favourite is to #2 that my everyday thing. However im not good in taking breaks since theres always so much to do I always keep going until I finish and when i see the clock its already lunch or dinner time hahaha I have to get better at that one. LOVE your tan kicks btw


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 21, 2017 - 21:41

Sometimes I can get too caught up with my tasks at hand too but I realized taking a break actually helps me to regroup, so I prioritize it throughout the day.

Kate Tik April 21, 2017 - 21:44

Thank you for sharing this. Since I work from home, I find myself scrambling a lot of the time to get stuff done. It is so mega important to keep organized and this list of ways it just fantastic.


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 21, 2017 - 22:35

I think organization skills are highly important and necessary when it comes to working from home. Being organized is the only way that I can focus and keep track of everything on my to do list.

Jenelle April 22, 2017 - 00:11

Agree on all points! I do get so easily distracted and have to make myself not multitask to keep on top of things for sure. Plus to do lists are the best! xx Jenelle

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 23, 2017 - 14:11

To do lists are everything for me!

Audria April 22, 2017 - 07:02

Really amazing ideas!!!!

Thomas Falkenstedt April 22, 2017 - 13:50

Just like you I’d like to think of myself as a really good organizer and I find immense pleasure in ticking off things from my to-do-lists (which I have heaps of as I plan everything in the slightest detail) and by the end of the day I usually find myself having done all the things I needed to and then some. I really can’t understand how people who are unorganized manage to pull their everyday lives off…


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 23, 2017 - 14:07

I definitely agree! I think it’s not as difficult as people might think, but I also think sometimes it might just have to do with our personalities and our lifestyles.

Stephanie April 24, 2017 - 01:41

These are all such great organizational tips. I’m such an overly-organized person and I try to follow all these rules. Although I definitely fudge the multi-tasking thing a bit. I sometimes love to watch Netflix while I work (oops doing that right now haha).

Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 24, 2017 - 13:36

I would be lying if I said I don’t multi task too! I think a lot of us feel the need to do so since we have so much going on, but I think when we focus on one task, it’s quicker to complete it.

Sharon Wu April 24, 2017 - 06:14

These tips are all so useful for getting organized. Since I just moved into a new house I need to put these tips to good use so I can get my life together again lol! xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 24, 2017 - 13:35

Please do a house tour! I would love to see it 🙂

Candace April 24, 2017 - 13:56

One thing you mentioned that I need to work on is multitasking. It’s a huge problem I have when I’m blogging and as a result, I realize some of my posts have spelling errors, not good! I swear by my planner; I also used one in grade school and college to stay on track. Great tips!

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 24, 2017 - 21:17

My planner is everything to me as well! Such a great way to keep me organized and focused 🙂

Bernice April 25, 2017 - 00:18

Creating lists and taking breaks are the best to make sure I’m organised but not seeking overwhelmed!


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 26, 2017 - 16:29

Yes I agree! It’s so easy to get caught up with all of our work, but it’s necessary to take a step back.

Yasmin April 27, 2017 - 01:53

I wish I was a physical planner type of person because there are so many cute ones! But I’m more of a digital one because I can access it from my phone anytime. And I’m all about the to-do lists! If it’s not on the list, it probably won’t get done.

xx Yasmin

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 28, 2017 - 14:32

I also like to put reminders on my phone but I feel like writing it down makes me more organized and I feel accomplished since I can look back at everything I’ve done on that particular day.

Jo April 27, 2017 - 22:05

Great tips for staying organized. Making a to do list is something I do everyday otherwise I can get overwhelmed with thoughts of all I have to do. Also, it gives me a real sense of accomplishment when I see my tasks getting checked off my list!

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 28, 2017 - 14:29

Yes, I agree! I love the feeling of crossing a task out of my list.

Jordan Chapman April 28, 2017 - 01:36

Being organzied is so hard!! People who can do it have all of my respect lol!! Having a planner has helped me so much, especially when it comes to planning and balancing school and blogging!
Jordan xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 28, 2017 - 14:26

I honestly wouldn’t know what to do without my planner. I find writing tasks down very helpful.

Deddeh Howard April 28, 2017 - 20:43

Wow, hope you had a great time because these images are amazing and you look beautiful as always.

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 29, 2017 - 20:09

Thanks honey!


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