by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit details with affiliate links: Dress (Dezzal) | Shoes (Style & Co) 

My go to place to shoot in NYC is Soho because it’s convenient for me to walk to and there are so many streets and alley ways to give me the perfect street styled, NYC backdrop. The location for a shoot matters because it helps to convey a certain mood or message, which helps with storytelling. I’ve only photographed at the Brooklyn Bridge once in the winter when it was freezing cold, but I decided to do a summer shoot.

I’ve seen many bloggers take photos there and I thought this dress from Dezzal would be perfect because it was summer appropriate and I liked the top layer so I could capture some movements while I twirled or walked. I will say that if you want to take great photos at the Brooklyn Bridge, you need to keep in mind of three very simple tips. One is to be patient because the bridge is a very popular place not only for tourists but for locals as well. I have a huge pet peeve when it comes to people being in the background of my photos. I make an effort to remove these people for my Instagram photos, but it’s difficult to do that for every single photo for my blog so just keep that in mind or just go extremely early when nobody is there.

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My second tip will be to keep hydrated! I actually took these photos on probably one of the worst days in the summer as it was blazing hot with intense humidity. You can’t let that get to you because it will show in the photos, so keep a water bottle in handy. If you forget one, don’t worry because there are vendors on the bridge that will be selling you them.

My last tip for shooting at the Brooklyn Bridge is to have fun and don’t worry about what others think. You will get tons of people walking past you and they might stop and stare. I have overcome my fear of what people think about me when I shoot in public several years ago but that’s because I have been doing it forever. At the end of the day, you have to remember that you probably won’t see these people ever again and it’s your time to shoot so you should just zone them all out. I know it’s difficult especially for the more shy bloggers but you have to just forget about the public and have fun.

I had a great time shooting at the Brooklyn Bridge even though I was secretly dying inside from the heat. When it gets a little cooler, I definitely would like to do another shoot and maybe even earlier so I can avoid the harsh sun and the crowd. Do you often shoot at public places or do you have more of a low key location that you like to take photos in? Comment below as I would love to know!

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Jenn Hanft July 25, 2017 - 19:42

Love this post!! Shooting at the Brooklyn Bridge has been on my list foreeeeever but I never made the trip because of the weather and how hot it is and all the people! I definitely learned to stop caring when people watch because it’s just bound to happen. Having fun is the best way to go! You look amazing!

With love, Jenn

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 25, 2017 - 23:19

I used to care a lot about what people thought of me when I started to take photos before blogging, but now I honestly shut everybody out and just focus on getting the best shot. It’s all about practice and being comfortable in front of the camera.

Candace July 25, 2017 - 21:13

I didn’t think New York had any humidity, but I guess it’s because I’ve always visited during the cooler months. People usually always find their way into my pics. As long as they aren’t doing anything stupid in the background haha, it usually doesn’t bother me. You picked the perfect dress to shoot on the bridge!


mariann.yip@gmail.com July 25, 2017 - 23:18

People in my background definitely bother me haha! If I am going for a more street styled shot then it doesn’t matter as much but if it’s an iconic place, I usually like to be the only one in the photo.

Katya July 25, 2017 - 22:25

OMG that dress is absolutely stunning! So feminine and trendy and chic — just a perfection!

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 25, 2017 - 23:18

Thank you love!

gracie July 26, 2017 - 01:40

I have always wanted to shot pics on the Brooklyn Bridge but the weather or some other obstacle always stops me. Love this dress and these beautiful shots. You look great 🙂

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 26, 2017 - 14:18

You just need to plan it and do it! You will get amazing shots 🙂

Thomas Falkenstedt July 26, 2017 - 07:49

I love these shots from the Brooklyn Bridge and my guess is you were there really early as I can’t see any people OR you were patient as you said it was a really hot and humid day. I’d love to shoot at the bridge some day and hopefully next time when I’m in town I’ll have time for that! I always shoot (and dress and undress when changing outfits) in public places and I don’t mind people staring at all. Guess I just can’t be bothered even though some people find it offensive when I’m standing there in my underwear, but even then I don’t care, haha.
Thomas xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 26, 2017 - 14:18

I actually didn’t shoot this in the morning. It was a packed afternoon weekday but when there was a downtime without crowd, I took the opportunity to pose while my photographer snapped a million photos! And you’re just like me when it comes to changing in public, I have no shame haha.

Jessie July 26, 2017 - 15:28

Such a beautiful summer dress Mariann. I’ve always wanted to do a shoot on the Brooklyn bridge, but every time I go NYC it has been quite rushed. I sure certainly save some time next time for a shoot when I go visit NYC again.

xx, Jessie

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 26, 2017 - 15:40

You should pencil it into your schedule and that way, you will definitely make the shoot happen!

Christine Kong July 26, 2017 - 21:16

I always wondered about those Brooklyn Bridge shots. It is such an incredible location to shoot at but literally must be impossible not to get anyone in the background unless you go at some really odd hours. These shots are beautiful and the dress really pops here. Shooting locations are always tough especially if they are so popular like this but you and your photographer got some fabulous captures! xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 27, 2017 - 13:26

Thank you Christine! Iconic locations are definitely difficult to shoot at but the end results are often worth it!

Jessi Malay July 27, 2017 - 00:50

I love going to your blog because I like knowing the spots to go to when I’m in the city! Missing it so much rt now <3

XO, Jessi


mariann.yip@gmail.com July 27, 2017 - 13:26

Thank you Jessi! Hope you come and visit soon 🙂

Samantha Mariko July 29, 2017 - 01:46

That’s one place I need to go when I plan my next trip to NYC! I love the photos you took here, the dress looks really great with this backdrop! It’s really hot and humid over here in Tokyo as well so staying hydrated when shooting outside is a must!

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 31, 2017 - 14:18

I really want to go to Tokyo!!! I feel like we should trade places haha.

Bernice July 29, 2017 - 01:48

I absolutely loved walking across the Brooklyn bridge and having my photos taken there too! I was amazed by how many tourists there were there and trying to dodge all the cyclists haha gorgeous pics babe xx


mariann.yip@gmail.com July 31, 2017 - 14:18

Haha it definitely takes some strategy and skills when it comes to taking pictures on a bridge filled with tourists and cyclists!

Jordan Chapman July 30, 2017 - 21:56

Oh my, I know how hot it gets up in NYC, but these photos are so worth it! You look amazing in the dress, I’m kinda obsessed with the print! It looks like watercolors on the dress, but it’s so gorgeous!
Jordan xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 31, 2017 - 14:17

The dress is definitely one that I can recycle again and again!

Deddeh Howard July 31, 2017 - 02:29

One of my favorite places in the world and you look a queen is that dress, such a beauty.

mariann.yip@gmail.com July 31, 2017 - 14:16

It’s a great place to take pictures in!

Sharon Wu July 31, 2017 - 15:45

What a gorgeous dress my dear! I would love to shoot at the Brooklyn Bridge the next time I visit NY. So pretty! xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 1, 2017 - 14:21

You definitely should babes 🙂

marcy August 2, 2017 - 10:55

Babe I been to NY so many times and can you believe I don’t have any single picture in the Brooklyn bridge!!! I also seen a lot of blogger stake pics here and look amazing specially during sunset. Your dress is si stunning and you look fabulous as always.


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 2, 2017 - 13:23

I definitely need to go back and shoot during sunset. I think it would be cool and the weather wouldn’t be as humid.

Jo August 3, 2017 - 19:55

I went to Pace University which is right next to the bridge so I know that bridge well. Well done you for finding some quiet moments to take these shots. It is quite the busy attraction. What a gorgeous dress. You certainly chose the perfect location to feature it. The movement of the skirt from the breeze looks so beautiful.

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 4, 2017 - 14:45

It was extremely packed whenI went to shoot. The only reason why I got these photos was because we used a specific angle where you can’t see the crowd haha. Next time I want to shoot during sunrise or sunset!


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