by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit Details with affiliate links: Dress (Tobi) | Shoes (Lulus) 

I was contemplating whether or not to write this blog post because I didn’t know if people would be interested in this, but I then realized that a lot of brands actually complain about bloggers’ email etiquette so I figured why not. We all receive and send emails daily since it’s part of communication, but ever since I started blogging, I have started to see the important of email etiquette since it’s a reflection of me and my brand.

There are easy ways to be professional when writing an email, but I think some people might forget the basics, so here’s a reminder of what to do when you’re sending or replying to your next email.

  1. Respond in a timely manner: If I am on my computer and I get an email, depending on the time and day and how busy I am, I actually respond within an hour because it’s important to show my interest if an opportunity comes up. I’ve also learned that sometimes it’s based on a first come, first serve (if it’s a campaign or event) so it never hurts to respond earlier. I also try to put myself in the sender’s shoes because I know I hate following up with emails or having to wait days until I get a response.
  2. Always address the person: No matter how comfortable you are with a brand manager or client, always address them in your email rather than going straight to business. I have friendly relationships with some of my contacts, but I still address them to make sure that they know they’re important.
  3. Always include your signature: I don’t really have this problem because I’ve set my email settings to automatically pop my signature at the end of every email, but just make sure that you have a signature because it helps to wrap up the email. Also evaluate your signature and make sure you have only relevant information including your name, optional contact number, and your business, website, etc.
  4. Use exclamation points, smileys sparingly: It’s easy to get comfortable writing an email because we are often used to writing text messages, but theres’s actually a difference especially when it comes to the recipient. Never use more than one exclamation point and try to avoid any crazy emoticons. I have used exclamation point to show my excitement and I have also used smiley face before but just use your judgment on when it’s appropriate and when it’s not.
  5. Be professional: When writing an email, be cautious of what you’re saying because you honestly never know who the email can go to and if anybody is BCC’d on it. Keep it short, simple and straight to the point. And don’t use the email as a away to vent or disclose any private manner. Even though we all think that an email is between person A and person B, that is not always the case so just remember that.

We send emails so frequently that I don’t think we analyze what we write at times, so lt me know what other email etiquette tips you guys have.

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Jessi Malay August 21, 2017 - 20:44

I love this post! Its so important for everyone to know about this because its not something that was taught in school.

XO, Jessi


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 22, 2017 - 17:53

So glad you enjoyed it! I definitely learned these tips through blogging and I’m sure most of us learn by doing.

Christine Kong August 22, 2017 - 18:24

These are great tips for emails with brands! I think it’s so important to develop a professional relationship with brands whether you are going to work with them or not because you never know in the future. While it is difficult to get to all emails on a timely basis, I think a late response is better than no response too. xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 23, 2017 - 16:08

I think if you are very interested in working with a brand and you receive an email, you are more likely to respond timely than something you’re not interested in, but you’re right, I like to respond regardless!

Candace August 22, 2017 - 23:13

One thing I need to get better at is responding immediately. I have a bad habit of reading emails and saying “I’ll respond later” and sometimes I forget to altogether.


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 23, 2017 - 16:07

I always make an effort to respond in a timely manner or I star it and get back to it when I am on my laptop because I would’ve missed some if I didn’t flag it!

Sharon Wu August 25, 2017 - 14:18

Great tips darling! Responding in a timely manner is a must for me and I always try to be good about that! I find that brands really appreciate that 🙂 xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 25, 2017 - 16:09

I also make it a priority to respond timely!

Thomas Falkenstedt August 27, 2017 - 15:59

Great to keep these tips in mind and I try to abide to them as much as I can. Sometimes when you’re really good friends with a PR or a brand contact the line between business and chatting about other things blur out, but it’s actually important to separate the two. I’ve also noticed it depends on what country the object of my correspondence is based in plays a huge role in how I address people and what tone I use. Some are really formal, whereas other are ever so informal. Takes a bit of time to learn cultural differences, both regarding countries and companies.
Thomas xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 28, 2017 - 22:51

Come to think of it, I have spoken to brands from different countries, but I haven’t noticed a difference in our interactions but that’s definitely something to keep in mind!

Bernice August 29, 2017 - 02:47

YESSS!!! I hate when I’m emailing influencers, brands, or vendors and they’re slow or unprofessional in the emails. At the end of the day it is a business transaction so it should be as formal as a meeting in person would be.

Bernice | IG @bunnybernice

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 29, 2017 - 16:33

I couldn’t agree more! Always be professional and definitely treat each email as a business opportunity.

Samantha Mariko August 29, 2017 - 14:26

I think this is actually my first time reading a post about email etiquette for bloggers. All of the points I agree with, but then again it really depends on who you are corresponding with in the end. This is great advice for beginners 🙂

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 29, 2017 - 16:33

Thank you Samantha! I think these tips are helpful whether you are a beginner or not because although they may seem basic, you’d be surprised how many people forget to actually use them!

Jo August 29, 2017 - 22:01

These are all really great tips! I’m so glad you wrote this because truth be told, it’s not just some bloggers who have poor email etiquette skills. I’ve received emails from potential partnerships that don’t include my name or even worse, that it’s clear they haven’t even taken the time to read my blog. I’m always more inclined to answer emails from people that address me by my name. It’s actually a part of my email address after all so there is no excuse!

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 30, 2017 - 02:39

You are totally right Jo! I haven’t thought about it from the recipient’s end but I do prioritize emails who actually address me and know some background to my brand than the generic ones.

marcy September 6, 2017 - 09:00

Such a great post babe and definitely something I will put in practice. Even now days I struggle in writing emails specially most important for me what should I put on the subject lol!! Thanks for sharing


mariann.yip@gmail.com September 6, 2017 - 15:40

Subject lines are definitely difficult when sending emails. I always think twice about what to put in it because you want it to be simple but also noticeable for the recipient.


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