by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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Every woman knows what LBD means. It stands for little black dress and I can bet that a lot us can find one in our closets. If you want to go out one night and don’t have anything to wear, you can always count on your little black dress. Why? Because you can never go wrong with it. It’s the dress that you can spice up with accessories and still make it look different each time you wear it. I have a few black dresses that I can always count on, but I am always looking to add more. I recently bought this leather dress from Lulus (it’s one of my favorite online stores) and I am excited to wear it out. The only down side to this dress is that it is a bit heavy and thick, so I wouldn’t recommend wearing it on a steamy hot summer day. The good part is that when I go out at night, it’s definitely much cooler and temperatures are around the low 80s so it’s bearable.

It’s not one of those sexy dresses or body con dress that highlights your curves. This dress is more subtle, sophisticated and definitely more comfortable. It’s loose so it allows you to move around. As I’m getting older, I find myself trying to find more timeless pieces that makes me feel like a woman, so I tend to go for the more classy look. I like this dress simply because it’s different from the rest and it’s also good quality, so I know it’ll last me for years to come.

And don’t mind the same shoes and bag from my other post. I like to reuse the same items for photos since I take these all in the same day, but I also like how these shoes and bag work for this outfit. On a night out, I usually do try several options before settling on my accessories, but I wouldn’t mind wearing exactly what’s below either.



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