by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit details with affiliate links: Pink Sweater (NA-KD) | Red Pants (ASOS) | Black Boots (Shoes of Prey) | Black Bag (Skinnydip London) | Sunnies (Sunski)

How is it already April?! I am constantly in shock whenever I write these monthly goals because I always look at my calendar and have a little panic attack when I realize how quickly time is passing! The positive part, however, is to look back at what I’ve accomplished this month and reevaluate what my goals are for the next month. I set 4 goals for March, which you can read here and I am happy to report that I have successfully achieved all 🙂

I wanted to eat healthier and practice mindful eating and I have definitely done that. I cut back the times that I actually ate out and stopped eating when I felt full. I just released my ebook on 5 tips to stand out as an influencer and if you haven’t already subscribed to my newsletter to receive it, you can do so here. I also connected with bloggers and friends as I normally always try to do weekly and have started spring cleaning mainly because I am also leaving to Asia this weekend, which leads me to my 3 goals for the month of April:

  1. Detox from social media while traveling: I am visiting family in Hong Kong for the first week of April and then heading to Tokyo the week after. Like most of my trips, my goal is to completely free myself from social media. I know it’s not realistic for me to not post on Instagram or check it here and there, but I am making it a challenge and priority for me to fully immerse myself into Asia and not feel the need to have to be on social media. I don’t often go to Hong Kong and I love being there, so I am going to put more of my energy and focus on my family than on Instagram. Tokyo has always been top on my bucket list and this trip was unexpected, but since I have been waiting to go for so long, I really want to make the most of it!
  2. Attend a meetupI want to get out of my comfort zone and attend a meetup that is not related to my fashion events and just see how it goes. I just finished reading Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi and it has inspired me to network  more and build relationships. I want to get in more of a mindset to be uncomfortable and attend events where I don’t know anyone.
  3. Spend more time outdoorsApril is such a great month because it’s the beginning of spring and I really want to use the time when I return from my trip to be outdoors as much as possible. Sometimes, I find myself cooped in my apartment doing work, but I want to get as much sun as possible while still working remotely.

I feel like April is also going to be a month that is going to fly by quickly since I am traveling for the first half. However, I couldn’t me more excited because traveling is a great passion that I have as many of you know. I am hoping to come back feeling more cultured and open minded as I always do from my trips. Let me know what your main goal is for the month of April!


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Alessandra April 3, 2018 - 09:23

Amazing look, I love the sweater and the boots

Samantha Mariko April 3, 2018 - 14:10

I can’t believe it’s April already! The cherry blossom season is already over in Japan but I’m excited that the warmer weather is here to stay. And I’ll be seeing you very soon!
xo Samantha

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:41

So glad to have met you babe 🙂

Ashley April 3, 2018 - 14:14

You’re going to rock those April goals, babe! Loving this look, too. So fun!

Le Stylo Rouge

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:40

Thanks for your support Ashley 🙂

Short Girl Long Jacket April 3, 2018 - 19:40

Such a cute red and pink look! Good luck with your goals. This past weekend I went on a little trip to see some friends who live in another city, I didn’t go on the internet/social media for 3 days and it was really nice 🙂 you can do it!

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:40

Yay I love hearing that 🙂

Eena April 4, 2018 - 00:01

I think detoxing from social media while traveling is a great goal. You gotta enjoy your travel for yourself and not just for your followers! Happy April, I hope you have a wonderful month ahead of you.

cabin twenty-four

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:40

Thank you Eena! I hope you have a great month too 🙂

jane April 4, 2018 - 08:14

i love to meet people and go outdoors
and this should be my goal too
Much Love,
Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:39

Love hearing that 🙂

Sharon Wu April 4, 2018 - 16:56

great goals babe! I love how your goals are always so realistic 🙂 I would love to attend more meet-ups too, specifically business-related ones. It’s just a little hard because everyone is much older in Palm Springs haha

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:39

I think you should still go for it!

Lovely Amusan April 5, 2018 - 08:13

Love you block colour sweater hun. I have just partly done your number one goal and spent my time enjoying my time in Dubai.


Jenelle April 5, 2018 - 08:20

I just can not stop loving those boots! Yesterday I woke up to find my phone had died overnight, so rather than look at it, I plugged it in to charge and, since it was early, drove down to the beach to walk along the coast before breakfast. It ended up being almost lunch time by the time I looked at my phone. It felt so good to not even care about it!
xx Jenelle

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:39

I’m so glad to hear that! I just came back from traveling and I definitely decreased my social media usage and it was amazing to be in the moment and not be so caught up with what others are doing.

victoriashklanko April 5, 2018 - 13:33 Reply
Mica April 5, 2018 - 22:56

It sounds like you have a really fun April ahead, with your travel! I am sure you will have a wonderful time! I find time away from social media is good too so I hope you achieve that! 🙂

Hope you are having a great week so far! Been a wet week here, but still not too cold 🙂

Away From The Blue Blog

Celia Meylán April 6, 2018 - 23:11 Reply
Jessi Malay April 7, 2018 - 01:09

Love that you shared April goals! Breaking from social media while traveling is a great idea to just relax and enjoy in the moment <3

XO, Jessi

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:38

It was probably one of the best choices I’ve made while traveling!

Radi April 7, 2018 - 19:21

Perfect styling! I hope you have the best April.
I also want to get outdoors more because the weather is amazing right now.


Andrea April 8, 2018 - 09:32

I love how crazy fashion is. Few years back pink and red together was a no no and now everyone is wearing them together!!



Elegant Duchess April 8, 2018 - 17:39

I love your goals, it’s just so hard to stay away from media even while traveling. you look lovely, I do love a combination of pink and red xx

|Elegant Duchess|

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:37

I don’t think it’s that hard especially if you don’t have wifi. I just came back from traveling for two weeks and it felt amazing to unplug!

Comfy Cozy Up April 8, 2018 - 20:15

I can’t wait until the weather gets warmer so I can hang outside more. Cool post! Social media detox is a good idea.

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:36

As social media is my full-time job, it is a great idea to take a break as you would take a vacation from a normal job.

Kimberly April 9, 2018 - 07:33

This is fun outfit hun. Can’t believe red and pink together would look this eye-catchy! Loving that sweater btw 😉 Also, good luck on your goals and enjoy your travel!

Allie / Joy and Ivy April 9, 2018 - 14:49

Loving that sweater! Those are great goals and I’m with you on being free of social media while traveling. It takes away from the experience sometimes and as much as you want to share and inspire, it’s hard to not be in the moment, especially when visiting family.

Allie / Joy and Ivy

Anne (modernastrega.com) April 9, 2018 - 18:35

This look is so pretty, love the red and pink ♥

Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom April 10, 2018 - 22:55

I have a trip coming up next month and I really should just unplug the entire trip. I could really use it. I love the idea of attending more events where you don’t know anyone. You never know, you may meet someone really interesting!


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:35

It’s been extremely liberating to take a social media detox! You would definitely love it 🙂

jodie filogomo April 10, 2018 - 23:04

These are such great goals. I need to get on that social media break thing….

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:34

Hope you can set some monthly goals yourself 🙂

Rach April 11, 2018 - 02:17

These are great goals! Hope you are doing well with them!


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:34

I’ve definitely completed the first and second so I’m excited about these goals. I am dedicating the next teo weeks to spending more time outdoors 🙂

Christine Kong April 11, 2018 - 03:13

These are amazing April goals! I love that you do this and try to stick to these monthly goals. What a great idea to take a social media break while traveling. It’s great to really live in the present especially when traveling and being in your hometown. I am loving all of your photos on IG and love this colorblocked look! xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:33

Thank you Christine! I am finding so much peace and happiness while traveling and not feeling the pressure to stay engaged with Instagram.

Katherine April 11, 2018 - 11:10

Great tips girl and I love your outfit!! Those colors are fab!

Katherine | http://www.oneswainkycouple.com

kuks April 11, 2018 - 15:16

beautiful photos
Wonder Cottage 

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 02:31

Thank you!

Sahra April 12, 2018 - 00:02

love the pretty bold colors of your outfit – and that baggg!

XO Sahra
Que Sera Sahra

Amy Arnold April 12, 2018 - 15:09

I love your red and pink and love that you included a detox as a goal!

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 19:09

Yes it’s so important to take breaks every now and then!

Alessia April 12, 2018 - 15:55

I like this look, you are so stylish!
xo Alessia

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 12, 2018 - 19:08

Thank you Alessia!

Laura April 14, 2018 - 13:04

Love that you’re detoxing a bit from social media while traveling. SM makes it so easy to get sucked in and forget to pay attention to family, friends, sights, etc. Also, this sweater is SO adorable!

Black Coffee Beautiful

mariann.yip@gmail.com April 16, 2018 - 13:08

I couldn’t agree more! It’s the best feeling in the world to unplug 🙂

taylor April 22, 2018 - 20:55

Getting out of your comfort zone and going to event by yourself can be weird at first for sure…but also super rewarding because you have the opportunity to meet new people have create new opportunities! loved this and the sweater is adorable


mariann.yip@gmail.com April 23, 2018 - 13:11

Thank you Taylor! And I agree that there are obviously things we don’t want to do due to fear but it’s always rewarding when we can overcome it!


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