by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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For those who don’t know, I launched my podcast, The City Confessions earlier this year and I’m so happy to share that it has been a wonderful season of 22 episodes, featuring 20 amazing guests! I had the goal of releasing one episode every week for all of 2019, only to realize that I needed to sort out my priorities and assess my workload. As much as I would love to continue this for 52 weeks straight, I also realized that it’s totally okay to take a break. With that being said, I am not in anyway saying I am stopping this podcast, but I have decided to take June as a hiatus and come back in July for season 2!

I have learned so much from the last 5 months of running my podcast. I certainly didn’t practice much before launching because as much as I wanted to prepare for it, I knew I had to bite the bullet and just do it and figure it out as I go. I started with a rough list of questions I wanted to ask my guests, but didn’t want to make them too strict as I wanted the conversation to naturally flow and progress. I’ve learned that as a host, it’s more important to be present and listen to my guest than it is to mentally prepare for my next question or transition. I’ve learned that I say “um, obviously, and like” way too often and I need to brush on my range of vocabulary. I’ve learned that people open up to you when you make them feel comfortable and people love talking about themselves whether they realize it or not.

The City Confessions made me realize that I needed this project more than it needed me. It was a great way to meet new people, strengthen relationships with colleagues and friends and of course connect with New Yorkers, whether they are residents or visitors. Everybody is going through a battle and struggle. Everybody can use a friend. And everybody has a secret and we can all relate to it in some way, shape or form. I didn’t promote my podcast as much as I probably should’ve, but in all honesty, this was a passion project of mine. A few even asked me how I was making money off of it and it honestly baffled me at first because again, that wasn’t my intention. However, I know that it’s good to look at every project with a business mindset to generate revenue, so I might be looking into that for season 2.

I am appreciative of all my guests and of course all my listeners. If you guys haven’t checked out my podcast, I would love if you can! Each guest has a story and each guest has a special message that I’m sure you can take away. I usually prerecord all my episodes so even though no new episode will be released for the month of June, I’ll still be working on The City Confessions as I would like to jump start season 2 while I can before my life gets too chaotic again. If you guys have something you are thinking of starting, definitely do so! If there’s one thing I’ve taken away from starting my podcast, is that

It’s never too late to change something you’re not happy with and it’s never too late to go after what makes you happy.”


That’s actually a quote that I said in my last solo and closing episode of season 1 and you can listen to it here. I am excited to start recruiting new guests to feature for season 2 so stay tuned!

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Shannon May 29, 2019 - 07:14

How cool that you’ve got your own podcast! I wish I had time for one with uni but I guess it’s all about prioritizing and you seem to have it down! I guess I’ll listen to yours instead then!

SHANNON VALLE life + style blog

Vanessa May 30, 2019 - 14:35

So cool! I didn’t know that you had a podcast! I will check it out!
xoxo, Vanessa

mariann.yip@gmail.com May 31, 2019 - 01:46

Yes, definitely check it out 🙂

Allie Mackin May 30, 2019 - 20:58

Oh wow cool. I want to check it out! I listen to pod casts on my phone but want to do it on my home computer too. Maybe this will be the first one!

Allie of

mariann.yip@gmail.com May 31, 2019 - 01:45

It would mean the world to me if you can take a listen!

Mica June 3, 2019 - 06:14

Great photos and it’s wonderful your podcast is doing so well – a break for you to catch up a bit sounds like a good idea! Good luck with season 2!

Hope that you’ve had a great weekend! I was surprised with a weekend away, it was wonderful! 🙂



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