Home Blog JUNE 2019 GOALS


by mariann.yip@gmail.com

*Pinafore Dress from NastyGal | Jewelry from TAI

I can’t believe we’re on our way until the half year mark of 2019 already! Every time I write my monthly goals, I am reminded of how precious time is and how quickly time flies. I love doing these self reflections at the end of every month because it truly allows me to not only analyze what I have achieved and what I want to accomplish for the next month, but it also makes me acknowledge my highlights.

May was a great month and I truly have no complaints. The weather in NYC has been up and down with definitely notice of lots of rainy days but I feel like those are basically over and we will be greeted with nothing but sun for June. I am a bit nervous for June only because it’s going to be one of me more busiest months of the year so far. I have a lot happening, both personally and professionally and for those who know me know that I stress easily. I am trying to take it day by day instead of looking a June with a dreadful mindset. I always say perspective is key and if you can change your outlook on something, then you can change the way it will affect you.

For May, I had four goals and I am happy yet again to say I have successfully completed all of them. I wanted to balance work and social life and I have done that with the help of simply saying yes and going with the flow. I am personally a planner but I have learned to be more spontaneous! By adopting a healthier mindset with food and fitness, I am slowly getting a good grasp of allowing myself to enjoy social activities because I am at a great place with how I feel with my body. Secondly, I wanted to collaborate more and I am already doing that with my New Orleans trip, which is happening this week! I am going with my friend Julia, who was actually a guest on my podcast The City Confessions. We knew we wanted to collaborate once we met and we are doing just that, so be on the look out for a New Orleans blogpost when I return!

Another goal of mine was to explore NYC more and I have done that with making trips to Seaport, Manhattan Bridge, Whitney Museum and New York Botanical Garden. I am also making it a priority to continue this for the summer. I am also happy to say your girl just signed her lease this weekend so I have found an apartment and will be moving out on July 1st!

For the month of June, I have kept it pretty simple with the following three goals:

  • Get ready for my move: Since I am moving next month, I want to use all of June to source out my furniture and decor. I am going to be on Pinterest and definitely want to gather some inspiration so I am ready to move in July and not waste anytime as I want to enjoy my new place! I also of course want to use this time to get rid of anything I don’t need or want and will be using the Marie Kondo method 🙂
  • Find a new intern: My current intern is sadly leaving me this month so I am looking for a new intern to help me out this summer and possibly until fall. I have been blessed with having great people who have interned for me in the past so I am hoping that I luck out again!
  • Enjoy my New Orleans/ Quebec Trip: I don’t know if you guys are like me but if I have trips for an upcoming month, I tend to put that in the forefront. I want to be able to enjoy New Orleans and Quebec as it’ll be my first time visiting both places. Since I know I will stress about work and my move, I want to make it a priority to manage my stress better and to be fully present in my trips. This is a consistent struggle so wish me luck on this particular goal!

Are you guys excited for June?! I would love to hear about what your main goal is and what you have going on in your life. I think making monthly goals is a great way to get a better understanding of how valuable time is and of course how much control you have in attaining your goals!

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Lorna June 5, 2019 - 22:17

Oh that’s exciting you’re moving, I hope that goes well! And good luck with finding a new intern!
Raindrops of Sapphire

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 7, 2019 - 16:24

Thank you Lorna!

CANDACE June 7, 2019 - 22:01

I’m glad that you accomplished your month’s goals! I had 3 main goals this year and I have accomplished them too. I wanted to lose weight, be a homeowner and pay off part of my student loans. I love how everything is going so far! Cheers for new goals and new beginnings!!

Candace Hampton

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 9, 2019 - 21:56

Yay I love hearing that babe!

Andreea June 8, 2019 - 09:40

I hope you’ll spend a great time in New Orleans/ Quebec. Both of them are beautiful places to visit! Good luck with finding a new intern, I hope this process will be an easy one for you. Your photos look amazing! Love the colorful notes.

xo, Andreea | https://www.budistyle.com/en/

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 9, 2019 - 21:55

Thank you so much love!

Mica June 9, 2019 - 11:44

What great photos! so exciting you are doing so well with your goals, hope the move goes well for you! looks like this month will be a fun one too! 🙂

Hope that you are having a great weekend! We had our son’s birthday party yesterday, it was loud but fun 🙂


mariann.yip@gmail.com June 9, 2019 - 21:55

Ahh that sounds like fun as well! I’m sure he enjoyed it 🙂

Samantha Mariko June 11, 2019 - 15:40

OMG you’re moving! how exciting is that! Hope you find all the furniture and decor of your dreams 🙂 Enjoy your trip as well!!
xo Samantha

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 13, 2019 - 17:42

Thank you so much Samantha!


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