by mariann.yip@gmail.com
dsc 0006

I went to the Top of the Rock which is the observation deck at Rockefeller Center this past weekend with my boyfriend and I was speechless with the gorgeous views of NYC at night. We originally wanted to go during sunset but unfortunately when we got there, the next available time was at 6 pm. We decided it would still be a great experience. The lighting of the city was absolutely stunning and you can honestly see all the little movements including people and cars. It was a bit windy on the 70th floor and difficult to take pictures due to the glass, flash and lighting, but I did manage to snap a few with my camera. The pictures, however, still don’t do justice to the actual view. Now that I have gone to see the city in the night, I am planning a future trip during the morning to see it during the day. I am thinking of doing to the Empire State Building instead to get a different view. I am a New Yorker and very proud but I know I haven’t done many “touristy” activities, which is why I am making it a mission to see all the NYC attractions for the remaining months of 2015 as well as all of 2016.

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