by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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I decided to jump on the bandwagon and finally got my behind to the Museum of Feelings and I am feeling so many emotions I really don’t even know where to begin! Firstly I’d like to say that this is worth the buzz! I heard about it through social media, on Instagram in particular, and I was fascinated by all the cool photos and lighting and decided to check it out myself.

I went today at 10:30 am and there was already a line. The museum opens at 11 am and within 10 minutes after I lined up, there seemed to be a million people lining up behind me so I would definitely suggest going in the morning or a weekday.

There are five exhibits and each one has its own unique feature. They correspond with the feelings including optimistic, joyful, invigorated, exhilarated and calm. I don’t want to spoil it too much so I won’t go into details about the rooms but all I will say is “WOW.” I can guarantee you’ll have the same as reaction as me.

The museum of feelings open until December 15th so be sure to check it out before this pop up ends. All the details can be found here. The average time to go through the whole museum is 20 minutes but since I waited about an hour I decided to take my sweet time and countless pictures so I was actually in there for an hour or so.

The gallery above shows all the cool photos I have. It doesn’t capture the actual experience and feelings so I would highly recommend visiting it yourself. It’s definitely worth the wait. Just be patient because this is a very unique concept and you won’t be able to feel the emotions anywhere else!

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