

Why hello there! My name is Mariann and I’m a proud Native New Yorker and author of Un-Hinged: What I Learned from Saying, “It’s You, It’s Not Me” in the NYC Dating Scene. I started this blog in 2015 when I felt like I didn’t have a place to be heard and seen. I have always been a writer at heart. And I felt drawn to documenting my life in the city with photos and words. My blog showcases my journey of self development and is an outlet for creative expression. I wanted to offer a lens to my crazy, but beautiful life as I navigate my 20s and 30s in the city. By consistently putting myself out there, I often found myself getting lost in the chaos, but would still manage to find my anchor, stillness and peace.

I used to be constrained by fear, but now I am motivated by fear. I’ve come to the realization that I have the power to make my dreams a reality. If I believe it in my soul and envision it in my mind, then I have the ability to create my own reality.  Whenever I feel myself getting small or hear the voice in my head that sounds like impostor syndrome, I then remember my life’s motto, which is Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote:

“Do one thing every day that scares you.”

Because why not? Taking risks and being adventurous are two ways that I approach life. I’ve never been the type to follow rules and I’ve always created my own. As an air sign (Aquarius sun), I’ve been known to do my own thing and live out the definition of independence. With my Pisces rising, I go with the flow and look at the world through a curious and mystic mind. And with a Scorpio moon, I’m usually drawn to intensity and have a strong emotional stimuli that helps me to be in tune with my feelings. I mention all of this because I am currently on a spiritual journey. Intimate conversations, soulful energy, astrology and manifestation are my love languages.

This platform covers my interest in wellness, travel and photography. Read all about my personal goals and current interests, see the city and other countries through the lens of my camera, and take away tips on how to live a more simpler and happier life. My mission is to inspire you to get out of your comfort zone, to realize your worth and power and to remind you to trust and love yourself more.

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