by mariann.yip@gmail.com



I don’t often wear jewelry even though I absolutely love accessories. I work out everyday in the morning and just think it’s extremely annoying and inconvenient to wear jewelry so I fell into the cycle of not wearing it at all (except for the heart ring my boyfriend got me). However, I’ve decided to start incorporating jewelry here and there because I’ve noticed that accessories do make a difference in your outfit even if it’s as minimal as a ring or small stud earrings.

I decided to keep my outfit simple today because I wanted to really highlight on my jewelry and accessories. This is really the first time that you’ll be seeing me wearing a ring, earrings and necklace! I’m really proud of myself even though I felt extremely dressed up for work! The details of my accessories are below with affiliate links and coupon codes:

I wanted to also start writing about what’s on my mind beyond my outfit posts even though I know it’s a fashion blog. I’ve been motivated by my friend Natalia from Styletomes to give substance to my blog posts instead of just ‘hey this is what i’m wearing, okay bye.’ My mindset was completely different when I started my blog a year ago, but that will be dedicated to another post shortly.

My advice of the day as cliche as this sounds for today is to go for whatever it is that you want! We are living in a generation that everybody can be self-made. I mean just look at all the Youtube celebrities and fashion bloggers, they all started somewhere and you don’t need to come from money or even have an amazing education to do something with your life. Even if you may not have the right equipment or access to all the resources that others have, you can still be proactive. Once you get into the groove of things, you can only make progress and strive. It’s like going to the gym. You may not want to at first and make excuses, but once you start to go and make it a habit and a routine, it becomes your lifestyle. I wish I started blogging earlier, but instead of regretting it, I’m making it my priority to advance myself in this industry and I highly encourage you all to do so too. Just start. Make today count. I know this is extremely cheesy, but I’m really passionate about motivating others to do something with their life. You only have one so you might as well do something you love because it’s totally possible!


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Pperlenoir Style June 20, 2016 - 17:44

Great post !!
Awesome jewelry , I love the post.

mariann June 20, 2016 - 18:40

Thank you!

Lindsey June 20, 2016 - 19:03

I love dainty jewelry. These pieces are beautiful 😉

Love, Lindsey

mariann June 21, 2016 - 14:26

Thanks darling!

Jaleesa June 20, 2016 - 22:07

Omg! I couldn’t relate with you more in this post! Starting a blog def pushed me to wear more jewelry and accessories cause I usually skimp out on that step! Your pieces are fab! AND I also want to add more thought pieces to my blog other than “this is what I wore”, but it needs to come naturally! Including some advice at the end is a good start!

mariann June 21, 2016 - 13:25

Thank you! I wasn’t sure if it was like a tangent, but I’m glad you think my advice is helpful!

Kayla Watkins June 20, 2016 - 22:54

Adorable! Love the jewelry anddd the advice.

mariann June 21, 2016 - 13:25

Thanks darling!

Sharon Wu June 22, 2016 - 00:09

You make such a great point about being self-made! I also wish I started blogging earlier, but hey… better late than never, and like you, I’m just focusing on getting up from here on out 🙂 Great post babe! xo, sharon



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