Home Personal ARGENTINA 2014


by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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I went to Argentina with my boyfriend in May 2014 after I graduated college and it was a great down time before I started to enter into the “real world.” I’ve never been to South America before, so it was great that I could check that off my list because I want to travel the 7 continents before I die. As of now, I have three more to go!

Buenos Aires was beautiful and the food was amazing. I am literally drooling as I am writing this because I can still taste the steak. We ate a lot of steak and it was like I took a trip to heaven and came back when I finished. Aside from the food, we admired the architecture as the buildings had European influences. The people there were really friendly and genuine. Some of the places we’ve visited were Teatro Colon, La Boca, Recoleta, El Tigre and Igazu Falls.



Hands down, my favorite places were Igazu Falls and El Tigre. A lot of people say the falls resemble Niagara Falls, but I’ve never been there, so I couldn’t make that comparison. What I will say is that our view was awesome. We were so close to the water that we could feel it. And what was even more amazing was the fact that we were witnessing a natural wonder. This site was on my bucket list and I couldn’t believe that I was there to experience it with my boyfriend. It was definitely also a romantic scenery. It wasn’t the typical sunset beach view, but it gave us a peaceful, romantic moment in its own way.





My second favorite place was El Tigre. We took a train ride to this quiet, but beautiful town away from the city. The main attraction is The Municipal Museum of Art, which is seen in the last pictures in the gallery. It is literally one of the most breathtaking places I’ve ever been to. I felt so in awe just looking at it, I almost forgot where I was at. It felt like we were being transported from Buenos Aires to this random town. I couldn’t really explain what it was, but it just gave me this internal peace and comfort that I’ve never felt before.

And that’s the beauty of traveling, it really brings out something different in everybody. I was able to finds parts of myself that I didn’t know before. And considering that I went with my boyfriend, it was a true testament to our relationship and how we handle not only being in a foreign country, but being with each other 24/7. I can happily report that we survived and are still together till this day.













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