Home BlogEvents B FLORAL EVENT


by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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Today I attended the B Floral event, which was co hosted by Carol Radziwill from BRAVO TV’s Real Housewives of New York and I must say it was the cutest, most beautiful and colorful event I’ve ever experienced. As you can see from the photos in the gallery, the whole theme was spring as the venue was decorated with bright colors and flowers.

I felt like I entered a different place because it was actually really gloomy and rainy in the city. However, the vibe and atmosphere of the event brought joy and lightness to all that visited. There were many fun activities including hair braiding, floral headbands, temporary tattoos, flower wall for photo opportunities and drinks and small bites. Some people decided to dress up and looked super adorable with their maxi dresses and flower rompers.I, on the other hand, opted for all black because you can never go wrong with black and like I said before, it was actually raining all day.

I thought the PR agency did an amazing job in organizing the event and bringing great traffic since most of the attendees were bloggers and media. I also loved the interaction on social media as everybody was encouraged to tag ‘bfloral’ and use their hashtags for their photos. This event is one that definitely stood out to me because everything seemed to come together effortlessly. People were occupied with different stations and were socializing with one another. It was also a good amount of people because sometimes events can get overwhelming especially when it’s very crowded and difficult to move around. Overall, I would rate this experience 10/10 because it was fun and everybody seemed to be having a great time.

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