Home Fashion Blue Lace Dress

Blue Lace Dress

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
dsc 0034


I don’t really consider myself a girly girl. Even though I do like to dress up and wear make up, I’m still pretty low maintenance. I like clothing and style that are affordable, simple, but chic and versatile. I also prefer wearing shorts and an oversized tee rather than a dress during the summer but for some reason, I found myself wearing dresses 4/7 days of the week this year. I think what it comes down to it is the simplicity and comfort of wearing one piece rather than a few. I ordered this blue dress with lace from tobi and it’s really not my style at all. To be honest, I don’t even know why I ordered it because I wasn’t sure if I would wear it, but I wanted to take a risk and try something different. I figured if I didn’t like it, I would just give it to my sister.

I will say that the back of this dress is very cute! I like that it’s open and has lace because it encourages me to put my hair up to show the design. It’s also the perfect material for the summer because it’s light and somewhat fits loosely. I imagined this dress to be perfect for twirling and running in the grass with no care in the world. Since I don’t live in the suburbs and there aren’t really grass in the city, I decided to dress this up in a more playful way. It’s a great outfit for lunch or even shopping. Again, this dress isn’t really my taste but I think it gave me a sense of liberty while wearing it.

So do I regret buying it? Absolutely not! I like it more now than I did when I first opened the package. Sometimes, you just need to give new clothing a chance because you’d be surprised what you might end up liking. Overall, I think this dress is super cute and I have the option of wearing it just on the weekends for causal plans as well as dressing it up to go out.

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