Home Fashion Crop Top Meets High Waisted Pants

Crop Top Meets High Waisted Pants

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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For those who know me well know that I am obsessed with two key outfit pieces: crop top and high waisted pants. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. I’m petite and I’m only 5’3 so to add more height, I’ve found that high waisted pants paired with heels elongates my body. I know this outfit isn’t for everybody because some people are uncomfortable with showing their midsection, which is totally fine, but you can skip the crop top and just wear a regular tank or loose blouse tucked in as an alternative.

For this outfit, I am wearing loose pants because like I’ve reiterated in my other fashion posts, I’m big on comfort!  If this look is too causal and laid back for you, there are slack options too, which is great for a more professional look. I own a few and will post them in future blog posts to show the contrast. I love the back of my bratop, though if I stay too long in the sun, those tan lines would not be sexy. But for a night out, this outfit would be perfect. I’ve also thrown a blazer on top to show other ways you can wear this two piece outfit. The blazer adds more sophistication and really ties up the outfit. My preference would depend on what I am doing and where I am going.


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