Categories: TRAVEL

CUBA 2017


*Outfit Details with affiliate links: All clothing were provided by Lulus |  Block Sandals (Jack Rogers) | Beige Sandals (Ipanema) | Crossbody Bag (Furla) | Mini Backpack (Asos) |  Black Sunglasses (Flower Eyewear) | Green Sunglasses (Wild Fox Couture) |  Luggage (Genius Pack)
I just came back from a week trip to Havana, Cuba and it was a unique and eye opening experience. As you may all know, Cuba is becoming a more popular destination for tourists to visit now that the US has a better relationship with the country. I wanted to visit not only because of the pictures I’ve seen online but also because I’ve heard personal experiences from friends who emphasized that if I wanted a place filled with authentic culture, amazing food and good music, then Cuba was it. I also knew that it was the perfect timing to visit Cuba because it’s still a somewhat untouchable place. I have a feeling that it will be modernized within the next few years.




Surprisingly enough the airplane tickets are ridiculously cheap so I wanted to take advantage of them as well. For those who keep saying that they can’t afford to travel, my round trip ticket was $285 so just know that it is possible to travel as long as you keep an open mind! I had a slight idea of how my experience in Cuba would be since I knew that I wouldn’t have access to wifi which is a sign of how the Cubans live on a daily basis. I’ve also visited third world countries before so I thought it would be quite similar. Upon arrival, I instantly felt like I was in a different world which to be honest is what I wanted but took me by surprise by how instant the change felt. The city is a bit run down, the locals don’t have much and you definitely get a sense that the overall city is underdeveloped. Coming from United States, I do feel grateful for the simple things such as wifi, convenient stores, food, a variety of restaurants, etc. I still found a great appreciation for Cuba and I’ve decided to share my tips on best things to do and places to eat. 


For starters, I think it’s important to pack essentials including bug spray, medicine, toilet paper, tissue and hand sanitizer. These were the items recommended to me and I can vouch why they were on the “don’t forget to pack list.” I was lucky enough to not experience using the bathroom without toilet paper but apparently most people encounter situations where it is needed so there’s no harm in bringing it with you. The other items are self explanatory for any trip but definitely for Cuba. Remember that you also need a visa to visit the country. I chose the category of “people to people” and bought my visa at the delta kiosk when I was checking in for $50 as that was also my airline for both ways. The process is very simple so don’t stress about it but just remember to keep the visa throughout your stay as you will need it to return back. 

If you want to experience Cuba comfortably, then by all means get a hotel. However you can find inexpensive Airbnbs that will offer all the necessities. I stayed in this one and Dania and her husband were amazing hosts. Staying at Airbnb is much more affordable and you will be able to experience living like a local. If you’ve never used Airbnb, feel free to use my link here to get credit for your next trip!  Again, don’t expect anything fancy and don’t have any high expectations because Cuba is a third world country.
Below are my recommendations on what to do and where to eat.


Must do activities:

    • Take a convertible car tour: This is a no brainer but I highly recommend if there’s one thing you do in Cuba, it’s to ride in their colorful, vintage cars. You will definitely feel like a superstar because I know I did! I booked this in advance because I wanted to have a receipt to support my people to people visa. However it is actually cheaper if you approach someone in Cuba who has a convertible car. Most of the time they work for a company or own their own company and it is much easier to bargain in person. You also will get to choose which car you want to take so it’s a better photo opportunity. I was actually able to experience two convertible tours since I fell in love with this pink one and approached the owner and I booked the other red one through a tour company in advanced.
    • Walk along the Malecon: The Malecon is a strip near the water and it’s a gorgeous sight to walk during the day or night. You probably will also pass this during your convertible car ride but this is a great way to see the city and be part of it. My Airbnb was very close to the Malecon so I found myself there quite a few times throughout my stay.

    • Visit Old Town: Old town or Old Havana is where all the action takes place and it’s pretty difficult to miss if you are visiting Cuba. I suggest spending a whole day there as there is so much to do. A lot of good restaurants are situated in this part of Cuba and it’s a great way to be where the tourists are as well as interact with the locals. This is also a great place to buy your souvenirs since it was hard for me to find souvenir shops and gift stores where I lived.


    • Take a day trip to Vinales: Vinales is known for its cigars and I highly recommend taking a day trip there! I always like to explore outside cities than the main one because I love seeing different sides to a country. Be prepared as it will be a long day because my trip was 12 hours. Vinales is about 2.5 hours away and my tour consisted of visiting the cigar farm, taking a boat ride in a cave and touring the liquor factory. If you want to buy cigars, this is also the best place to do so.
    • Playa de Santa Maria: I heard there are beautiful beaches in Cuba so I made it a priority to visit one. My friend told me to go to Santa Maria and it was only 25 minutes away from where I lived. The beach was absolutely gorgeous and the water was blue. I went on my first full day in Cuba and got burnt! However my sunburn has now turned into a lovely tan so I cannot complain. Just remember to put on sunscreen but reapply frequently because the Cuban sun is strong!
    • Verdado: When I was at the beach, I met two Americans named Austin and Mason and they were the two best friends any tourist can meet while traveling. They lived in Verdado so we explored that area since it was on my list. It is more residential but still a great place to explore shops and restaurants. It was also a great way to compare and experience different neighborhoods. 

  • El Morro: El Morro is a fortress castle that makes for great photo opportunities. I didn’t go inside only because this was a stop within one of my convertible tours but I would recommend visiting if you have time. The castle overlooks the water so the sight is absolutely worth visiting. 

Must eat places:

    • La Hotel Nacional: I am not putting this on my list because the food is amazing because quite frankly it’s average. However, the scenery is gorgeous since there’s a garden area that overlooks the water. This is also where you can buy wifi for $7 CUC/ hour.
    • El Biky: Our Airbnb host recommended this place and it was definitely one of the highlight places I’ve eaten during my trip. I split the fish and beef with my friends and it was absolutely delicious. I also ate at the balcony so it was nice to get that fancy setting. Personally I like to eat out at one nice restaurant while I’m traveling since I’m on vacation. Biky is more expensive than the other local restaurants but I will say the quality meets the price tag.
    • Dulcinea: If you love sweets, pastries or coffee, then definitely come visit this cafe! They serve the best coffee and the pastries are delicious. You also wouldn’t believe the price because most of the items are less than $1 CUC. I went twice because I kept craving their food for breakfast and afternoon pick me up treat.


    • La Floridita: Anybody who has visited Cuba will tell you to come here since this is where Hemingway drank his daiquiri.  Im not a huge fan of alcohol but I actually enjoyed this drink. The bar is a decent size and there’s a live band, so I would recommend visiting while you’re in Old Havana. I went during the day but I also heard it’s fun at night.


  • La Bodeguita Del Medio: This is where the mojito was invented so as a tourist, you simply can’t visit Cuba and not come here. I personally don’t love mojitos, so I didn’t think it was anything extraordinary but I knew I wanted to try it just to say I did. The bar is small, but there’s also a restaurant. I didn’t eat here but I would try it since it’s right behind the bar.
  • La Copella ice cream: This ice cream parlor was recommended in The Lonely Planet and located at Verdado. One scoop only costs $.40 CUC so it is very inexpensive. I tried the caramel and orange pineapple which were both very good. I can’t pretend I haven’t tried better ice cream but for what it costs and hot it was, I was happily satisfied.
  • La Guarida: I ate here for my last dinner in Cuba and it was absolutely the best meal I had! I actually came here two nights before but it was all booked out so make a reservation beforehand if you want to dine here. The scenery was amazing as it overlooked the city and the tables are all on the rooftop. The restaurant is also hidden since it’s located above several flights of stairs on what seems to be an abandoned building. We had oxtail, suckling pig (very delicious), white fish, fried sweet potatoes, tuna tacos and tons of drinks! This was the perfect place and way to end my trip and I would suggest adding this to your list if you visit!


Overall, I had a successful trip and I would recommend going to Havana if you are up for adventure and want to get out of your comfort zone. I don’t think this destination is for everybody because you need an open mind to fully enjoy Cuba but I do think it will make you more appreciative of what you have at home. Like my friend said, it’s a place worth exploring but I don’t think I would return. That’s not to say it’s not a beautiful country but I love to check a destination off my list and try something new.

I wanted to give you a few background on Cuba because I think a lot of people are unaware of how undeveloped the country is. On average, a local makes $25 CUC, which is equivalent to $25 USD a month. My cab ride to the Airbnb was $25 so that one ride is a month’s worth of salary, which is insane!  They also have scarce amount of eggs and each person is only allowed around 20 eggs per month. They basically live off bread and it costs less than a dollar for one. So when I ate a meal for $5 CUC, although that was inexpensive to me, it is still a lot to the locals. It’s just shocking when you put things into perspective and compare what you have to other people in the world. I also ended up giving away some of my clothing so if you are visiting Cuba and have spare things to donate, please do. You’ll make a huge difference in somebody’s life and won’t even know it. If you have any questions or plan on visiting Cuba let me know! I am also already on the hunt for my next vacation so leave me some suggestions below!

View Comments

    • Thanks Sharon! I had a great time and I already have the travel bug so I am looking for my next destination.

  • Cuba is one of the travel destinations that's on top of my to visit list for so long and I still haven't got time to do it yet :( Sometimes, we just get so swamped with things in our lives and forget to enjoy ourselves!!

    I love all the amazing photos you took there! and those colourful vintage cars are so pretty!!

    xx, Jessie

    • I think if you really want to go, you can definitely make it happen! The flights are very cheap and I think the time to go there would be now since it's probably going to get more modernized within the next few years.

    • It was truly a great experience and I enjoyed my time in Cuba. There was a lot of culture and it's amazing to see how other people live especially coming from a first world country.

  • It's trip like this that make us put things in perspective and make us value what we have, even the small things in life we take for granted. I visit to Cuba and Havanna is really imminent as, just like you said, it unfortunately probably will be westernized quite soon, but then again, I hope they can maintain that 1950s charm while modernizing it so the island won't lose its soul. A truly wonderful travel review and so many great tips! Definitely made me want to go there.

    • Thank you Thomas! I think tourism will benefit the country in a positive way but I also think Cuba will always maintain its culture and vintage vibe especially with their cars and architecture.

  • Such an amazing experience to go to Cuba. I actually went years ago and I know it will definitely change as the years pass but there is much to be appreciated. The vintage cars and all the colorful buildings are so beautiful. The culture and struggle are also to be appreciated. I definitely want to go back and see it again and take the time to visit these places you suggest. I love this detailed travel diary and will be referring to it when I book a trip to Cuba sometime soon hopefully. Xoxo, Christine

    • Oh wow, you've been to Cuba? That's amazing! I feel like there has been so much buzz around it within the last year and with the whole tensions between Cuba and US I didn't know people actually were able to visit the country before. I think it would be a great experience for you to visit again and see what has changed. I might even do this in the future!

  • OMG I'm literally been wanting to go to Cuba since ever. I hope I can do it in middle June.
    Your pictures are just amazing and I'm sure it was such a great experience.


    • You always travel to these amazing destinations so I think you would enjoy Cuba for the culture!

  • Wow each and every one of your photos looks like a postcard! The vibrant colors of the buildings and the cars looks amazing. I definitely hear ya about visiting Cuba sooner than later. From the moment US and Cuban relations changed last year there was already talk of development and the inevitability of a Starbucks popping up on every corner haha! I'm sure that sight will take quite some time but it'll happen nonetheless. I do hope they can keep the old world charm but improve the quality of living for the locals at the same time.

    xo, Jo

    • I'm so glad you commented on the colors because that's one of the reasons why I wanted to glad to Cuba so badly. It works perfectly with my feed and I was able to capture a lot of amazing content.

  • WOW! Cuba is so beautiful!!! I know so many people who are planning to travel there. I'm definitely going to share what you've done and recommended to them!! I'd love to visit sometime.

    With love, Jenn

    • Thank you! I always like to read about what people did for their trips so I hope this would be helpful for others too.

  • As many times as I've read about Airbnb's, I've still never tried one! I can imagine Cuba not being the best place to try one out. Cuba is definitely on my travel list, due to the affordable costs and culture. Great advice on things to bring. I definitely wouldn't want to forget anything in a foreign country!

    • Air bnb have been such a great alternative to hotels. I love that you can experience what it's like to live like a local and save money at the same time!

  • I am so jealous about your excursion there! How beautiful everything looks and it just looks like such a colorful country. I'm so surprised at how affordable the round trip was. Since it's closer to where I grew up in California as opposed to where I live now in Japan, I'll have to make a trip there someday when I'm in the U.S.

    • I am always fascinated by your adventures in Japan and really want to go to Tokyo! I think Cuba would be a different experience for you but I think you would enjoy it :)

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