

Wow, I can’t believe we are now in December and there’s only one month left of 2021. It’s important to remember that time is relative. The way we each perceive time varies depending on how we look at it. Sometimes, I feel like a month flies by. Other times, I feel like it unfolds the way it’s meant to. As we are coming to the end of 2021, it’s a great time to reflect on the year as a whole.

With all that being said, I will be revisiting the goals I’ve set for November. My first goal was to wrap up my projects and I definitely did that. I had a majority of my partnerships last month, and I’m happy to have completed them. It’s always a rewarding feeling to end the year with a bang! I also went on my Caribbean Cruise with Celebrity Cruises and made it a priority to enjoy it. Since I love the holidays, I have already started shopping for those on my list 🙂 It can be a chaotic time especially with shipping, so it eases my stress knowing that I’m being proactive. My last goal was to enjoy Thanksgiving and my stomach was happy so it’s safe to assume I had a great Thanksgiving!


I am looking forward to December because I will be in Europe for the first half of the month 🙂 It has been a tradition for me to travel in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I also love the holidays and December is practically the main holiday month! Here are my December 2021 goals:

  • Curate holiday content: I am lucky enough to have NYC and Europe holiday content for December. Even though I haven’t created them yet, I already know that it will come out beautiful. I always find that traveling makes creating content easier.
  • Have a relaxing end of year: Although I like to think that you can still be productive in the end of the year, I also want tot be realistic. I am reminding myself that it is totally fine to unwind and do nothing but binge on Netflix shows. My motivation definitely decreases towards this time of the year but I am giving myself grace and self compassion. After all, we need a balance. There’s a season for work and there’s a season for play.
  • Create a strategy for 2022: It might sound contradictory as I am listing this third goal after my second one. However, I also think this time of the year is great to plan for the new year. I am not talking specifically about New Year’s Resolutions but more so in a bigger picture. What do you want to achieve in 2022? How do you want to start January 2022? Some ideas already come to mind, but I need to sit down and strategically map it all out. I want to start off January on a great foot and having a strategy will help with that.

I would love to hear your personal goals for the last month of 2021! It’s easy to just let December take over. However, I think it’ll be more beneficial to have at least 2 priorities to check off before we ring in 2022.

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