

This year is coming to a close and it’s the perfect time to bid farewell to 2021. But before I welcome 2022, I like to highlight my top 5 highlights and top 5 lessons of the year. I know it wasn’t by any means an easy year and that goes for all of us considering the pandemic. Going through my Saturn return this year didn’t make it any less difficult. However, I do think this challenging year allowed me to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And for that, I am grateful.


  1. Finished writing my book: Hands down, my top highlight of 2021 is finishing my book. I wrote it in summer of 2020 and I finalized everything this year. The proof was also sent to me so it was surreal to have it on hand. It is now in the printing stages, so I can’t wait for it to launch in 2022 🙂
  2. Moved into my own apartment: I moved in July 2021 and started a new chapter in my life. Being able to live alone is a privilege. I have learned to embrace my own company and solitude and absolutely enjoy living by myself! My new apartment also contributed immensely to my growth as an individual. It has also challenged me to develop a new relationship with myself.
  3. Checked Cappadocia off my list: Turkey has always been on top of my bucket list. I am so happy that I was able to experience Istanbul and Cappadocia with my friend. Traveling during this time isn’t easy, but I am grateful that I was able to do so. I can confidently say Turkey is one of my favorite places I’ve travelled to so definitely add this to your list!
  4. Purchased a car: I don’t often share a lot of personal things in my life, but I did purchase a car this year. Growing up, my family never had a car. This was a great accomplishment for me because the car represents freedom. It has also brought my family closer since we were able to do more bonding activities. As a newer driver, I also learned to trust my instincts and myself more.
  5. Solo trip to London: As a travel enthusiast, I ended my year with a solo trip to London.  I haven’t travelled alone in a while, but it was great to be able to test the waters out again. There were quite a few road bumps along the way, but a strength that was brought to light was my problem solving skills. I encourage all of you to do a solo trip at least once in your life!

TOP FIVE LESSONS OF 2021: I talked about my greatest lessons in my last episode of The City Confessions*

  1. Stop looking for others to fill me in relationships: I learned to stop outsourcing my intuition to others. Making that conscious decision forced me to become more selective with what information I wanted to disclose. Instead of relying on other’s feedback and advice, I turned to myself. This process taught me to trust myself more.
  2. Understanding triggers and setting boundaries: I learned to befriend triggers. Instead of pushing them away, I realized it can be used as a benefit. Triggers showed me what areas I still need to work. I also learned to become more comfortable with setting boundaries because boundaries are necessary to protect myself.
  3. Redefining Happiness: Similar to the first lesson, I had to redefine happiness and ask myself honestly and deeply, what my definition of it is. No one is responsible for my happiness, but me. Happiness is also a choice and I learned to choose it daily. 
  4. Outgrowing relationships: Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but I have outgrown certain relationships and I realized that that’s okay. Life is always changing and I am constantly evolving. Some people are meant for specific chapters and phases in my life. It’s not always easy to say goodbye to the past, but it’s necessary for growth. You can’t stay in the same place forever.
  5. Changing narratives: I am currently living in a phase of fearlessness. No longer am I being restricted by insecurities and fears. That’s not to say that I don’t have them, but I refuse to be defined by them. This year, I have learned to be more confident in my choices. I have taken more risks and have chosen to be vulnerable in my relationships. There is so much power and beauty in changing and owning my own narrative.

2021, you have been quite a year. But as always, I have no regrets and I am happy and proud of who I am today. The Mariann right now is more refined, mature and self aware than the Mariann I was in January. I can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for me!

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