Home Fashion Football Season Attire

Football Season Attire

by mariann.yip@gmail.com

Let’s be real, I hate football season, but that doesn’t mean I hate people who love football season. I just don’t get the sport no matter how many times someone has tried to explain the rules of the game to me, but let’s not make this post about how I feel towards football. I bought this jersey from an online boutique and I thought it would be appropriate in honor of football season, mainly because it has big numbers on the front and it’s a jersey styled top. I thought it’d be looser because I was going for the oversized tshirt look, but obviously that didn’t happen. I still wanted to utilize it and dress it up as best as I could.

I decided to wear denim shorts because it gave me a laid back, I don’t care vibe. Instead of wearing flats or sneakers to really hone in on that look, I decided to do the opposite and wear some stiletto heels, preferably in a bright orange/red color to stand out. I think the outfit and shoes juxtaposes each other, but it works out because in an ironic way, it also balances out the style. I had to wear my hair up in a bun to give it more of a bold, cooler look. I think this look is perfect for day to night and by now if you haven’t noticed, that’s the style that suits me best.

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