Home Blog Holiday Party Outfit

Holiday Party Outfit

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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I know most of you have holiday parties to attend to this year, whether it’s your company’s, a family’s or a friend’s. My company always throw a holiday party every year, which is usually at a nice venue so I make an effort to dress up. It’s also a good excuse to look nice, especially if you normally don’t dress up at work. I always tend to stick with a simple dress, obviously it can’t be too revealing or short because it’s still a work related event.

I bought this beige dress from Necessary Boutique and I think the color, length and overall look is perfect for a holiday party. The material is also pretty thick, which prevents it from rising up or getting easily wrinkled. I would suggest wearing something similar and sticking with a more formal dress, rather than a bodycon club dress. I think an alternative would also be a skirt, tights and a nice sweater top or blouse. I also would stay away from open toe heels or stilettos. I am wearing these pointy booties from Enzo Angiolin and they make me feel like a lady.

Remember that simplicity is key and you can always accessorize with jewelry to give your outfit more sass. Putting more emphasis on your makeup will also bring your simple outfit a notch up. Try to go for an outfit that says ‘you look very nice’ because you do have to face these employees again and you don’t want to wear anything that will make the following week awkward. Keep it classy yall!

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