by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit Details with Affiliate Links: Denim Jacket (Shein), Jeans (ASOS), Boots, Beanie (ASOS), Boots (Rangoni Firenze)

I want to be real with all of you and say that I have recently found myself in an Instagram rut. I am sure a lot of you can relate as I have read similar articles from other bloggers and have had conversations with several about this issue. It can sometimes be overwhelming when you are trying to find your brand and image on social media. It is also very easy to compare yourself to other people, but I think it’s important to realize that social media is only a highlight reel of one’s life.

Being that it’s the new year, I have taken a step back and decided to analyze my blog and Instagram. Although this has started out as a hobby for me, I will say that I have been a little stressed in terms of the direction I want to take. But I’ve always told myself the moment I stop having fun and start stressing, I would need to pause and take a break. And that’s exactly what I’m doing.

I wrote an article in the summer about how to overcoming blogging plateaus and find it funny how I need to take my own advice. I don’t think this is uncommon because it’s very natural for people to lose inspiration or be stuck with creativity. My solution to this rut is to take a break because I felt pressured to have to post as much as I did previously. But as I’ve learned, it’s about quality and not quantity.

It might also be a coincidence that it’s the winter time, but it’s much harder to shoot when it’s cold outside than it is when it’s warmer. Just to give you a background, these photos were taken when it was honestly 15 degrees outside. I was absolutely freezing, but I wanted to take pictures in the Brooklyn Bridge as this was one of my photoshoot location goals for this year. Can you guys relate to the winter struggle and taking photographs outside?

Nonetheless, I do hope that this rut will be over soon and I am sure that it will be, but when you are in it, you can’t help but feel consumed by it. I would love to know if you guys go through this and what your experiences are. Help a sister out!

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Jessi Malay January 11, 2017 - 19:35

I have definitely been in an Instagram rut before hun! Its something, like you said, everyone definitely experiences from time to time. I still love the look in this blog post though.. so gorgeous 🙂

XO Jessi,

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 11, 2017 - 19:39

Thank you Jessi! I am trying my best to shoot more and hopefully I can find more inspiration.

Atsuna Matsui January 11, 2017 - 21:41

You look so cute in this winter outfit babe. I totally understand where you’re coming from when you say you’re stuck in an Instagram rut. Sometimes it definitely happens to me as well, but on the bright side, always thinking of your blog and Instagram as platforms for you to grow with. Perfecting one’s brand doesn’t happen overnight and so much of what we learn is through hands-on trial and error.


mariann.yip@gmail.com January 11, 2017 - 22:29

That is so true! Thanks for pointing that out because I definitely do think that I can look back and see my growth. Not everything in life can be smooth sailing.

Camille January 12, 2017 - 00:05

I’ve definitely been there with the Instagram rut situation. Sometimes I see other accounts with flawless themes and curated feeds that I start to over think it and it becomes more stress then fun. Best advice is to stick to posting what you love and not worrying too much 🙂 Hope your rut ends soon, as I’m sure it will!

Sharon Wu January 12, 2017 - 01:56

I am so with you girl! I actually experienced an Instagram rut over the holidays but am now trying to get back in the game now that the new year is here. You’re doing a great job though babe! Keep it up and happy new year xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com January 12, 2017 - 14:45

Thank you for your support Sharon!

Annis January 12, 2017 - 03:22

Thank you so much for this post! I literally find myself feeling the same way at times it can be so frustrating!

marcy January 12, 2017 - 09:53

I think all of us have been caught in an Instagram rut and sometimes is just good to take little break from social media every 2-3months since can be a little bit overwhelming. But the good think is always to do it because you love and also to always have fun.

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 12, 2017 - 14:45

Exactly and that’s what I need to remember!

Thomas Falkenstedt January 12, 2017 - 20:41

I can totally relate to so many things in here. Comparing myself with others, those ever so freaking cold photo shoots (due to which I’m having a major cold right now), stressing myself to bits over what began as a hobby, but MOST OF ALL, not actually listening to my own advice I have been giving to other people on my blog, haha. So from now on, I’ll actually follow my own (and your) advice!


mariann.yip@gmail.com January 13, 2017 - 02:49

Thank you Thomas! I’m glad I’m not the only one who is going through this and you can relate!

francesca January 12, 2017 - 20:55

I feel you girl! sometime its better to just take a step back and de-stresss. Stress makes everything worse! hope you find inner peace and the blog just gets stronger!!
Frank Vinyl : A California Fashion Blog

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 13, 2017 - 02:49

Thank you Francesca! I am definitely finding the break helpful.

Amy January 13, 2017 - 00:46

I totally feel you babe!! It’s so natural, and this time of year (cold, dreary) certainly doesn’t help with inspiration! I think it’s great that you’re taking your own advice – oftentimes we give AMAZING advice to others but forget to apply it to our own lives. Hoping more inspiration comes to you very, very soon!

xx, Amy

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 13, 2017 - 02:48

Thank you Amy! Your words were definitely helpful 🙂

Samantha Mariko January 13, 2017 - 02:17

It’s always hard shooting during the colder months, but it’s worth it when the photos turn out great! I love these 🙂

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 13, 2017 - 02:48

Thank you Samantha! I definitely was suffering during this shoot but it was for the photos!

Stephanie January 13, 2017 - 04:53

It can be so tricky to deal with these ruts. They happen to me constantly – sometimes on a daily basis, and I just have to remind myself why I initially began my blog and all I’ve accomplished with it. Then I take a day to relax and gain inspiration – maybe visit a favorite spot in town or a great coffee shop for a caffeine buzz and some chill time to myself. Then I pick up where I left off and remind myself that it’s my own business, no one else’s, and I gotta do what I love for ME not for the followers all the time. You’ve got this girly. Your pics are amazing and your posts are fabulous. Just take a deep breath and enjoy it all one day at a time!

Stephanie // SheSawStyle.com

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 02:16

Thank you so much for your support Stephanie! I am so glad we connected through Instagram. I am a huge supporter of your blog and Instagram and so glad to know you are supportive of me as well. I have taken a few days off and have taken a step back to analyze where I want to go. I have some ideas and think I will get out of this rut soon!

Helen Chik January 13, 2017 - 08:29

I experienced the same late last year and found that I wasn’t enjoying instagramming anymore and found it almost a chore so I took some time off when I needed it to find that passion that drives me again. I think we all need breaks every so often to refresh ourselves and have a clearer head of where we want to go! You deserve a break honey!! xx

Helen xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 02:15

Thank you honey! I have a trip coming up in a month so I think that will definitely get me more inspired as it will give me more content!

Miki January 13, 2017 - 09:03

Cute pom hat. Girl, I totally get where you’re coming from. I have stopped using Instagram even 1/4 of what I was doing before. I am trying to make sure I refocus my content. I hope you find what you’re looking for and come back on soon with fresh ideas.


mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 02:14

Thank you Mikia! Since this blog post, I have brainstormed new ideas so I’m excited to get them in the works!

Jo January 13, 2017 - 15:57

I feel you girl! I definitely have days when I’m feeling less than inspired and can’t think of what to post on Instagram or for my blog, especially during the cold winter months in NYC. I’ve been trying to develop my indoor photography at the mo’ because freezing my bum off outside does not sound appealing haha! I find taking a little break helps too. You’ve got a beautiful Instagram feed. I’m sure you’ll get back in the swing of things again soon 🙂

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 02:13

Thank you so much Jo! I am actually doing the same and have taken advantage of indoor/studio shoots. I am trying to get more comfortable with indoor shooting and maybe this can help me switch things up a bit.

Candace January 13, 2017 - 19:55

I took a day off during the week from IG, which I normally never do. I just needed a break from it all and to regather my thoughts. We all have to from time to time!


mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 02:12

Yes, breaks are necessary especially since social media is everywhere nowadays.

Yasmin January 13, 2017 - 21:47

These photos turned out great and hopefully were worth the freezing temps for you. Girl, I know what you’re feeling right now as I’m in the same exact rut. It’s too cold outside to shoot properly and the crazy weather makes it difficult. I’ve dealt with freezing temps, 20+ mph winds, and ice rain. So it’s been tough to find material to post with and I haven’t been that happy with what I have in my photo bank. Next week the weather is warmer so I will go on a shooting binge to combat these winter ruts. I also feel a bit uninspired with taking more photos right now. Sometimes you need a break to refresh the creative juices so you can come back stronger!

xx Yasmin

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 02:12

Thank you Yasmin! I think a break was necessary. I went to Zara today and picked out many items that I think would make great outfits so it’s definitely getting me back into my groove and creativity!

Jordan Chapman January 13, 2017 - 22:50

Absolutely love this look!! You look super cozy in these!! That jacket is great and love how it’s got a lining in it!
Jordan xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 02:11

Thank you Jordan! It was absolutely cold during this shoot, but I am pleased with the photos.

Josie January 14, 2017 - 11:44

You are not alone darling! I think this happens to most of us and is totally OK! Blogging and Instagram per extension is a passion and I don’t want it to turn into something I dislike. So I always go with my inspiration and try really hard ( not always successful ) to compare myself to others. It can be so hard to come up with content ( on IG) in the winter but beautiful lattés/hot chocolate shots in a café are always a good idea haha

Bisous, Josie

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 21:52

You are so right! I need to get myself into more cafes so I can get some winter appropriate shots!

Christine Kong January 14, 2017 - 18:37

I feel you on the Instagram rut. Like you said, we all go through it and it’s great you have ways to get out of it. I think the weather definitely makes a difference too when you can’t shoot and don’t have new content. We don’t have freezing days in Socal but when it rains and shoots get cancelled it gets me down too. I think it is a good idea to take breaks and refocus. Love these shots with the bridge and despite how cold you were, you look amazing and powered through it. xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 14, 2017 - 21:51

Thank you Christine! Your advice definitely has helped me out. It is snowing again in NYC but I did manage to get some content at the beginning of the day. I definitely needed a break to regroup.

Lucy Hernandez January 15, 2017 - 07:03

Oh girl we have all been there! Like you this started as a hobby and quickly became a full time job with all the pressures and stress of a full time job! But no complaints the good outweighs the ruts! I think it’s important to ask for feedback from people whose creative eye you value. Not friends or family because hey don’t really help! How st feedbacknia great to get an unbiased perspective and also sometimes they notice things you don’t. I have a dear friend who is super successful and has an increíble eye, she’s become somewhat of a mentor for me. When I’m feeling creatively stuck of feel like I’m not growing I ask her and she usually has a gen for me to work on. Once I work on that specific area I’m focused and see myself becomeing more passionate and in turn having great growth from it. But don’t eat yourself up! I totally get the weather thing. I’ve had to get creative with indoor shoots and have a batch saved for those rainy days. Might help! Xo

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 15, 2017 - 19:27

Thank you so much for your advice Lucy! I did talk to a few of my blogger friends about this and I also felt compelled to express my frustration through a blog post to get other thoughts. I usually post 2-3x on my blog, but I only posted this article last week. Since my break, I have been able to regroup and brainstorm new blog post ideas and shoot new content. I definitely feel more inspired than last week and so glad that a lot of people can relate!

Jenn Hanft January 16, 2017 - 04:19

Ah girl, you are certainly not alone! Everyone goes through a rut every once in a while and ironically it’s so much easier to dish out advice rather than take it yourself. I feel like breaks are necessary and when you start feeling things get rough, just take a step back and try to get back into the carefree, happy vibes when you started. As a hobby, it’s something you’re passionate about so try to remember why you started! It’s so easy to fall into the idea of this becoming “work”. And girrrrrl the weather certainly does not help! Especially in NYC LOL but I’m actually so jealous because I’ve been dying to shoot on the Brooklyn Bridge – especially with the snow!

XO Jenn

mariann.yip@gmail.com January 16, 2017 - 15:50

I’m so glad you could relate and I remember you writing a similar article about this too. Even though it’s annoying to shoot in the cold, I think you do get great photos so I always tell myself to just suffer for those 30 minutes and it would be over soon haha!

Linh Dao January 16, 2017 - 23:48

I know exactly what you are going through and trust me I am right there with you when it comes to me stop having fun about blogging and instead I just stress! It is so bad and then we end up comparing ourselves to others. It sucks so I’m glad you are taking initiatives to not get yourself get caught up! I did the same so from now on it is blogging because I enjoy it and not because I have to.


mariann.yip@gmail.com January 17, 2017 - 03:22

Thank you Linh! A break was definitely necessary.


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