by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit details with affiliate links: Jumpsuit (Line and Dot) | Bag (Luana Italy) | Sunglasses (Urban Outfitters) | Shoes (Dr. Scholl’s) | Jewelry (Shivaloka)

How are we already half way through 2018 already?! If it’s one thing that I have realized by doing these monthly goals is definitely how quickly time flies! But I must say that I am excited for the month of June because the weather in NYC has been pleasant. For those of you are who are not aware, I like to start each month by doing a recap of my goals for the previous month as well as set some realistic goals I want to achieve for the upcoming month.

I didn’t know how much I love this idea when I started this in January but I actually get excited writing these monthly because it has put me in such a productive mindset. I think it’s extremely important to take a step back and self assess because that’s the best way to see your growth and progress. For the month of June, my four goals included: start reading again, go on an adventure, do something meaningful for family and go on a weekend getaway. I think I have completed all of them but probably not to to extent that I was hoping for. I definitely did pick up a new book, so that one has been achieved. For the adventure part, I wasn’t able to go on a hike as I planned but I did work over Memorial Day Weekend at the Hamptons and I think that somewhat categories as an adventure in itself.

For Mother’s Day, I definitely did something meaningful for my mother as I bought Letters to Mom from Paper Source, which included 12 prompts to write to my mom. It was a very emotional and therapeutic process as I spilled everything to her including sentiments and hidden feelings that I don’t think I could’ve express verbally as well as they were written.  I also did do a weekend getaway to Miami and actually vlogged my experience so you can watch it here. As you can see, I did achieve my monthly goals and it’s important to not be too hard on yourself as your goals can shift a little in terms of how to achieve them.

For the month of June, I have come up with the below four goals:

  • Stick to my fitness program: I started a 6 week fitness program on May 21st and the first two weeks have been going well so far. My main goal for June is to stick to my workout schedule and meal plan as best as I can. I know it will be challenging because the weather will be warm and I will be tempted to derail with all the food temptations. But I have been committed and can’t wait to conquer this program!
  • Plan my next vacation: I have been getting the travel itch so I want to be able to plan a vacation for later on in the year. I am not sure if I will hold myself accountable by finalizing all the trip details but my plan is to have at least the date and destination down by end of month.
  • Maintain clean room/ storage: I would like to maintain my clean room and space throughout the month of June. I have decluttered a lot of items when I started spring cleaning last month but I think it would be a great idea to do this weekly on the weekends. I usually receive a lot of packages and instead of allowing them to pile up, I am making it a priority to organize them weekly.
  • Do a new collaboration: I think I have made some great friendships and connections with bloggers over the years and love collaborating but I haven’t had the chance to do so recently. During the month of June, I would like to set a collaboration with at least one blogger. It will be a fun experience and I’m all about supporting each other!

I am excited to get the month of June rolling! I would love to hear about your June goals so let me know what your main priority is for June!

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Simplement Lui May 31, 2018 - 21:12

Happy June 😉 Good luck with your four goals and your outfit is beautiful and very elegant!


mariann.yip@gmail.com June 4, 2018 - 00:06

Thank you love!

Jodie May 31, 2018 - 23:22

You’re right—it’s such a great idea to keep track of how things are going and evaluate!!! That’s so impressive!!

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 4, 2018 - 00:06

It’s been a great process for me so far!

Jamie June 1, 2018 - 02:03

That jumpsuit is amazing. I need it right now! I commend you for choosing goals and sticking to them. That’s amazing. I can’t commit to what I’m going to eat for dinner tomorrow lol. <3 Jamie

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 4, 2018 - 00:06

Haha, there are other decisions that I am super indecisive with but when it comes to goals, I love being dedicated to them!

Sharon Wu June 1, 2018 - 14:20

great goals babe! i also want to get back into a consistent fitness program since i quit my gym membership lol

happy june 🙂 i love the jumpsuit you’re wearing darling! xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 3, 2018 - 23:58

Thank you love! And I always workout but it’s exciting to start a new program. It’s always nice in LA so I’m sure you can get a good workout outdoors!

Amy Arnold June 1, 2018 - 15:02

I love this jumpsuit on you! Great goals too. Planning a vacation sounds fun.

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 3, 2018 - 23:58

I’ve been obsessed with it!

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 3, 2018 - 23:56

Thanks Nina!

Filipa June 3, 2018 - 22:55

Sounds like a good plan. Also so excited to see your travels

PlayingWithApparel.com | Instagram
Filipa xxx

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 3, 2018 - 23:56

I have been debating on a few destinations!

Vanessa June 4, 2018 - 16:20

Love your jumper and your goals for June! Traveling is always a good idea! Can’t wait what you are planning!
Happy Monday, babe!
xoxo, Vanessa

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 4, 2018 - 17:05

Planning my next travel destination is always exciting!

Samantha Mariko June 5, 2018 - 01:10

I’m gonna have to check out Letters to Mom – sounds like a great way to have a heart- to- heart with your mom! Glad this monthly goal planning is working for you, definitely need to learn from you haha 🙂

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 5, 2018 - 15:29

Having these monthly goals isn’t easy but it definitely makes me feel like I have something to look forward to for the month!

Thomas Falkenstedt June 5, 2018 - 14:49

Having goals, both long term as well as short term ones, is a really good way of structuring up your life, but also to have something to look forward to. Like you said however, one shouldn’t be disappointed or too hard on oneself if the goals aren’t quite completed or didn’t turn out the way they were supposed to. Goals can change and things with them. That 12 letters to mom is something I’d love to do as well by the way. Your goals for June sound down to earth and reachable and I will follow you fulfilling those goals here on the blog 🙂
Thomas xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 5, 2018 - 15:25

I always look forward to reading your comments because I feel like you always give me the best feedback. I am so happy you are going to be following along my June goals!

Rachel Vogt June 5, 2018 - 21:47

This outfit is so cute, i need this jumpsuit in my live.


Miki June 7, 2018 - 18:54

Love the jumpsuit and this is a great reminder to review goals! I like to do mine every 3 to 4 months because I need to stay on track and let go of things that don’t work. Sometimes I spend too much time on little things and it’s a good way to review short term goals and also remind myself of the bigger picture. Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!!


mariann.yip@gmail.com June 9, 2018 - 20:46

Yes I think the short term goals should definitely add to your long term goals!


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