Home Blog Long Sleeve Dress

Long Sleeve Dress

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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I don’t know what it is about long sleeve dresses, but I just like them. I think it’s because I love wearing contrasting items, especially pairing long sleeve shirt with shorts or skirts. I love showing skin whether it’s my arms and legs, but not always both.

Being that it’s the winter season, I think a lot of people like to cozy up and wear sweats and sweaters, which makes perfect sense, but I’m weird and I like to wear dresses in the winter. This navy blue tunic is from Tobi and the material is super soft. I normally would wear tights with this if I’m wearing it outside, but for the sake of pictures, I didn’t. Of course, this outfit is more appropriate for a night’s out, so if you do decide to go out in the cold, you can still wear a dress. Just make sure you bring a fashionable coat that will keep you warm, but still adds a nice touch to the outfit. My coat is from Black Rivet and it is my absolute current obsession. I love the thickness and the stiffness because it gives me more of a sophisticated appeal which juxtaposes to the top loose fitting of the navy dress.

As you can see, it’s a very simple look, but I wanted to show that you can wear plain long sleeve dresses that aren’t sweater material and still get away with it. Just because it’s cold outside, it doesn’t mean you can’t wear dresses or go out and look dolled up.

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