by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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I can’t believe it’s already the middle of November! I feel like the holiday months always fly by and you can tell because it gets colder. I am not going to complain because this month has been pretty decent as the temperature has been around the 60s, which is what I prefer.  I think this type of weather is perfect because you can layer lightly and still look cute. You don’t have to necessarily give up your summer dresses or skirts because there’s always a way to dress them up for the fall.

I am wearing my dusty pink skirt, which I mentioned I had bought in my other post here. It’s from Necessary Boutique and I love the length and the material. I paired it up with a black long sleeve shirt underneath, a sleeveless vest to add more dimension and a light black jacket on top. I tend to stick with one or two favorite shoes each season and this fall, it’s definitely these black booties. They simply go with everything and are very comfortable to wear. Overall, I love the color scheme and simplicity of this outfit.

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1 comment

PINK FOR SPRING | Mariann Yip April 4, 2016 - 15:18

[…] For those of you who have been following my fashion posts probably already know how much I love items that I can wear over and over again. I always say that the value and price of an item should be equal to the amount of times you wear it. I basically wore this same exact outfit in a November post, which you can read about here. […]


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