I’ve decided to start a new category on my blog, which will be dedicated to fitness and covering topics including nutrition and health. Aside from fashion, I have a strong passion for fitness. For those of you who know me personally know that I’ve been into health and fitness since college and really even before that. My interest in nutrition has definitely grown within the past few years and I thought I had to choose between fitness and fashion for my blog. However, I’ve decided to use my blog as a lifestyle platform so I can talk about both!
I workout for a minimum of one hour every morning, specifically weight lifting. I’ll have another post dedicated to that in the future as I know a few misconceptions among women include the fear of gaining weight with weight lifting and feeling intimidated at the gym, but today’s post will be an introduction to the idea of exercise. People always ask me how I find the motivation to workout in the morning because exercise is normally the last thing you want to do once you wake up. I don’t think the time of day really matters to be honest. Personally, I’m a morning person and I prefer to workout before I go to work, but I know waking up early and working out isn’t for everybody, so just find a time that suits your schedule. And here are the top 5 things that keep me motivated and on track:
- HAVING A GOAL: You must begin with a goal! At at the end of the day, if you have no interest in fitness or don’t see any benefits with exercise then you’re simply not going to do it. It starts with a desire to achieve something in the end, so you need to have a goal in order to start. It can be anything from losing fat, losing weight, gaining muscle, feeling stronger, etc. Just know why you want to get fit and keep going back to that goal throughout your fitness journey.
- CREATING A PLAN: For beginners, I would say maybe workout 2-3x a week. Look at your schedule and see where you can squeeze in a quick 30 minute gym or workout session. You don’t have to workout for a long time and you don’t have to workout everyday like I do. Start out small and then you can gradually increase. Feel free to do any type of exercise whether that’s taking an afternoon jog, a yoga class or even an at home workout from a YouTube video. I can’t stress this enough, but if you don’t have a plan, your workout will most likely suffer. So bottom line is that you should prepare and plan ahead and everything else should follow.
- CONSISTENCY: This step is crucial after you’ve created and fine tuned your workout plan and schedule! You should be consistent with your workout regime and keep at it. Sure, it will be challenging at first, but you have to get through the first few weeks to make it a habit. Once you find what works for you, stick with it and take it one day at a time. Once you miss a session, then you’ll most likely fall off the wagon so be consistent and trust in yourself and trust in the process.
- SEEING RESULTS: Exercise is only part of the equation so you must remember that you also need to eat healthy, but if you are eating and exercising consistency then I promise you’ll see results! There’s nothing more motivating then seeing your body change physically and mentally. And once you start losing weight, seeing more definition and feeling better, then you’re going to want to keep going.
- LIFESTYLE CHOICE: This should be your end result after you’ve been working out for a while and seeing results. I love working out and I continue to do so because it’s now part of my lifestyle. I don’t find it a hassle to fit exercise into my life because I choose to incorporate it. I would be lying if I said I’m always in the mood to workout because I’m not. I’m human and I get exhausted and sometimes I want to miss a gym session, but I still go because I have a goal in mind, I have a plan in place and I want to be consistent in my schedule so I can see the results.
I hope these 5 tips will get you motivated to work out! Remember to be patient and make short term goals so you can take it day in and day out. Stay tuned for more fitness and health related articles!
Wow thanks for sharing this about you! I always go in waves of really being into working out and then once I take a break its hard to get back into it. I definitely an more inspired to hit the gym now after reading this. Thanks babe! Christine
You should definitely get back into it! I think there are huge benefits with exercise and there’s definitely fun activities you can do to just get active 🙂
Love this new section lady, the days I don’t go to the gym, I feel there’s something missing, it gives me a sense of control and balance. Can’t wait to read more!
MariaOnPoint http://mariaonpoint.com/ | Find me on IG https://www.instagram.com/mariajabad/
Thanks love! And yes I feel the same exact way, my body just doesn’t feel right when I don’t go to the gym.
Omg, I seriously need hard core motivation to exercise. LOL. I’ve been so bad about it all year and this post definitely helped! That backpack is so stylish and chic and goes well with your workout attire. I love it! <3 xo, sharon
I feel like you’re definitely in shape though! It’s always good to add a workout here and there just to get your heart rate up. And thanks for the compliment about my backpack. I think when you feel good about what you’re wearing, it also helps to workout haha.
i love your backpack so cute!!
Thanks love!
I think consistency is the most important of them all. I just begun exercising and am super excited to continue in order to reach my goal! Looking gorgeous girl!
My Vogue Style | http://www.myvoguestyle.com
Awesome, so glad to hear that you’re being consistent!!
I love this!!! Do more fitness related posts!! SO AWESOME 🙂
Thank you love!
Wow! thanks for this post and thanks for the motivation. Lovely outfit..Thanks for sharing
Thanks love, I’ll have more fitness related posts coming up!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts dear. Love that you spoke what you really felt. Exercise has become an important part now and after leaving, it becomes hard to get bak to the routine and in shape really. But keeping all that behind, YOU LOOK REALLY PRETTY AND FIT dear. lovely pictures…:)
Thank you so much darling! 🙂
Loved this post! I’ve been writing a similar one, yours definitely sparked some thoughts! I would love to hear more about your workout routine. An hour every morning is so impressive!!! No wonder you look so fit and amazing!
xx, Amy
Thank you my love. You are so sweet 🙂
Love this post babe and your outfit is so cute <3
Thank you love!
these are amazing tips, working out during summer is always so hard as it gets so hot! you look so fit, great post love!
xx Melis
Thank you so much darling!