Home Blog NYE Party Outfit

NYE Party Outfit

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
dsc 0012


As I grow older I tend to stay away from the typical short short, gold, flashy mini dresses for New Year’s Eve. There’s nothing wrong with that if that’s your style or preference, but I like to find outfits that aren’t too typical or common. I also don’t really like going to clubs or lounges anymore. I prefer a nice sit down dinner or an indoor party like a friend’s gathering. I still do like to dress up and look classy, but not too sophisticated or formal.

I put together this outfit, which is very simple in terms of color. It’s a tight black skirt, with a diagonal zipper that gives it a sexy appeal, but to tone it down, I wore a basic white button down. It’s nothing too crazy, but I thought the combination gave me the perfect confidence and chilled attitude that I was aiming for. I do think the skirt in some of these photos may be a bit scandalous and revealing, but what the heck, it’s NYE. It’s okay to show some legs and skin every once in a while. I would suggest wearing a nice black jacket since it does get cold outside. I absolutely love this coat because it goes well with my outfit, but most importantly, it makes me feel like a real badass.

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