Categories: WELLNESS


*Outfit details: Bodysuit & Jeans (Eggie) | Bag (Lulus) | Shoes (Shoes of Prey)

I am always preaching about self love and I know it might be an overdone topic, but with some recent news that I discovered from my past, I thought I’d address why this subject means so much to me. Growing up, I cared a lot about what people thought about me. I was a people pleaser and wanted to be friends with everybody. Even though there were times when I knew a certain person or group wasn’t who I wanted to associate myself with, I still wanted to be liked. And if I found out that people were talking bad about me, it realllllly got to me.

I’m one of those people that finds it difficult to let things go. As much as I believe in it and try to own that saying, it’s actually quite a struggle. I remember in school, I would let the smallest things get to me like a test grade or being late to an appointment or even as finding out that someone didn’t like me. I hate confrontations and I would let things sink in so much that it would affect my sleep. Now that I’ve grown older and have transitioned into being a real adult, I’ve learned to cut toxic people and things out my of life and also have learned to not sweat the small things. But even now, I have to remind myself to do this as it doesn’t come naturally.

I actually have a tattoo in the back of my neck that says “liberare” which means to be free in Latin. I got it while I was studying abroad and on cloud 9 as I had no worries in the world. Little did I know that this tattoo resonates so dearly to me that it’s basically my life motto and reminder. I wanted the tattoo as a symbol of my love for travel because the feeling I would always get through traveling was freedom. I now have broaden that meaning to being free from worries, stress and anything that isn’t bringing me happiness.

This all brings me back to the subject of self love because I think too often, especially as women, we are depending on others for our happiness and value and I am guilty of this as well. I am so sick and tired of needing validation from anyone because at the end of the day, the only person that I should truly care about is myself. Over the last year, I have learned to be an independent woman and to fully seek acceptance in who I am because I am living this life and nobody else’s.  You’ve all heard this before, but if we can’t love ourselves, we can’t love others.

I can’t truly say that I have this whole self love thing down, but I can tell you that I am working on it day by day. I am learning to breathing in and soaking all the positive things in my life and breathing out and letting go of all the negative things. Ignorance is bliss because I’ve realized that when you find certain things out that you didn’t know before, it can bring you stress, turmoil and heart aches. Sometimes it’s best not to know, but it’s also beneficial to acknowledge it and then release it. I know this is more of a personal post but I really just wanted to share what I’ve been going through and how I’ve been feeling and if this helps just one of you to know that you’re not alone, than I will be happy with that.

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    • Wow I love that!! I've never thought about it in that context but thanks for your supportive feedback!

    • It's a bit weird to think that we have different climates haha but don't worry, I feel like your summer is coming soon!

    • Oh it's definitely a journey!! I love that you can relate to it and I'm so happy we are all going through this together :)

  • Loved reading this post! I think we all feel the same at some points, can’t let things go out of our minds less or more!! I’m pretty sure that you aren’t alone who feels it that way! When you find yourself in such cases, try out meeting your friends, family who ever you feel would be the best, it will to forget the things that you want to let go! For the dependence, standing of 2018, we girls are quite more independent and happy being ourselves , quite less dependent comparing to past years!! I wanted to write more! But it would get lengthy!! :( anyway, I loved reading your thoughts girl!

    Xoxo, Babita

    • Thank you so much darling! I am so happy you can relate. I did vent to my close friend about what I was feeling and felt 10x better afterwards. It's great to be able to talk about it!

  • Love this post! Sending you loads of love and light! Always new levels! I am in a new stage where receiving a ton and very free in all areas of life. Totally new state again, and I found myself asking is it really this easy. It truly is and yes takes lots of practice. I totally resonate with with being a former people pleaser, 55 lbs heavier and so much more!

    • I love hearing that!! You are such an inspiration so thank you for your support :)

  • YES girl! Self love is key and this is a great reminder. In life we can't rely on others for happiness, fulfillment, and value, and if you don't love yourself first you won't be able to love others! Have you read the book 52 ways to love your body? I love it because it's basically 52 short chapters that remind you of creative ways to practice self love. A book I love to revisit every night before I sleep!

    • I haven't but thank you so much for the recommendation! I am going to add this to my list now :)

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