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Spindrift Sparkling Water

by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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If you aren’t familiar with Spindrift Sparkling Water, you are in for a real treat because it’s America’s first and only sparkling water made with real, squeezed fruit.  For hot summer days, I love going for something a bit more refreshing and flavorful aside from water. I personally don’t drink soda, but I find sparkling water to be different and it also satisfies my taste buds. I actually discovered Spindrift at a blogging event because I was looking to drink something hydrating and the packaging really drew me in. Upon my first sip, I was hooked because it was the perfect balance of sweetness and refreshment since it’s essentially just sparkling water and fruit!

I thought the inclusion of the sparkling water at the event was clever because it’s the perfect choice for those who don’t want alcohol and want something more than plain water. Spindrift Sparkling Water is also a great option to bring for a BBQ, picnic or summer gathering. The cans make for great decor as well since they’re bright and go with the summer theme and outdoors vibe.



There are a total of seven flavors including Lemon, Cucumber, Grapefruit, Orange Mango, Raspberry Lime, Strawberry and Blackberry. It’s definitely hard to pick my favorites but my top three would have to be grapefruit, orange mango and lemon! I love the range of flavors because I think there’s something for everyone and it’s great to switch it up every now and then.

I must say I love the packaging of Spindrift because the bright colors really summarize the bubbly and sweet taste of the drink. The best part of this drink is that it contains real, simple ingredients since Spindrift = sparkling water + real fruit. Yup, that’s it. If you don’t already know, I’m a huge fruit lover, so this drink is right up my alley, but don’t be fooled because all of the products are unsweetened. The sweetness and sugar comes from real fruit so it’s a great way to hydrate yourself in the summer. 

Let me know if you’ve ever tried Spindrift Sparking Water and if you haven’t, definitely check them out because I think you would be a fan just as I am. Here’s a link to a store locator, so you can see where you can pick these up for your next summer event!

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Miki August 14, 2017 - 17:57

These sound really good. I hardly drink sparkling water unless there’s a slight flavour to it, so love this. Will have to check these out 🙂


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 15, 2017 - 15:34

There’s definitely a fruity taste to it depending on the flavor so I would recommend trying these!

Esther August 15, 2017 - 17:21

I love a good lemonade. Sounds so delicious.
Have a fantastic week.

Love, Esther

Merel August 15, 2017 - 19:06

This drink looks so refreshing!

X Merel

Christine Kong August 15, 2017 - 22:49

I am a huge fan of Spindrift sparkling water. I don’t drink soda either so this is the perfect go to when I feel that need for something bubbly. I discovered these recently as well and love the grapefruit flavor the most. It is so refreshing and perfect for summer. The packaging, like you said, it too cute as well. I need to try that Orange Mango flavor too because it sounds like something I would love. xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 16, 2017 - 15:18

Orange Mango tastes amazing! I am so glad you have tried Spindrift sparkling water and is a fan. I think it’s a great alternative to soda 🙂

Thomas Falkenstedt August 16, 2017 - 00:08

Just like you I don’t drink soda, but I’m basically addicted to sparkling water and could drink it like forever. I haven’t heard of this brand before, but you should bring a can or two when you come visit so I get a taste of the good life as well, haha 🙂
Thomas xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 16, 2017 - 15:18

Haha I wish I can but I’m actually going to challenge myself and only bring a carry on luggage!

Jo August 16, 2017 - 20:17

The packaging is adorable! They certainly look perfect for entertaining and giving out at events. The flavors sound so refreshing too. I’ll definitely lookout for these the next time I’m grocery shopping.

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 18, 2017 - 16:34

I’ve been seeing them everywhere especially at supermarkets and grocery stores so definitely pick them up the next time you’re grocery shopping!

Jessi Malay August 16, 2017 - 20:54

Those glasses are so cute! So many yummy flavors, grapefruit sounds so good rn <3 Awesome post girl!

XO, Jessi

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 18, 2017 - 16:34

I love the Grapefruit flavor as well!

Bernice August 17, 2017 - 06:27

Aw yum! Sparkling water is already so refreshing, and now to have it with real squeezed fruit just adds to the flavour of summer 😉

Bernice | IG @Bunnybernice
New Post: https://www.bunnybernice.com/single-post/2017/08/15/How-To-Handle-Stress-in-Four-Steps

Samantha Mariko August 17, 2017 - 11:28

I’m not a huge fan of sparkling water, but this has got me interested! I love trying drinks with a cute packaging and of course, sweet 🙂 Thanks for introducing these!

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 18, 2017 - 16:34

I think you should definitely try these because they’re sweet and very hydrating 🙂

Deddeh Howard August 19, 2017 - 07:40

I’m such a big fan of sparking water. I don’t think I can live with out them. These looks refreshing, I will have to give them a try.

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 21, 2017 - 16:04

If you love sparkling water, then you would love this!

Gracie August 19, 2017 - 18:42

I am an all water girl but would love to try the flavored sparkling waters. Sounds refreshing.



mariann.yip@gmail.com August 21, 2017 - 16:04

I love water too! It’s usually my go to drink but every now and then I like to have something with a little more flavor so this is a great choice.

Jenelle August 20, 2017 - 14:59

Cucumber sounds so refreshing! These are all so bright and summery!
xx Jenelle

mariann.yip@gmail.com August 21, 2017 - 16:03

I love the bright packaging! And all of the flavors are extremely refreshing 🙂

Sharon Wu August 21, 2017 - 15:53

This sparkling water looks really good! My bf is a huge fan of sparkling water because it gives a nice kick without all the unnecessary calories. Will have to have him check it out. I love the packaging too! xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 21, 2017 - 16:03

You should definitely try this with your boyfriend. This would make a great hydrating drink in between your shoots 🙂

Candace August 22, 2017 - 22:51

This is my first time hearing of Spindrift. It sounds pretty appetizing too! I also don’t drink soda, but a sparking water sweetened with real fruit sounds delish!


mariann.yip@gmail.com August 23, 2017 - 16:07

It’s a great alternative to soda so you should give it a try 🙂

marcy September 6, 2017 - 08:52

I love drinking sparkling water these days definitely need to try Spindrift!! Looks like hey have such a great alternatives in flavours and looks so refreshing too.


mariann.yip@gmail.com September 6, 2017 - 15:41

They’re a great alternative to water and soda for the summer! And yes they’re hydrating and refreshing and love all of the flavors 🙂


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