by mariann.yip@gmail.com
IMG 7849 2




*Gym attire from Motion by Coalition

One of my new year’s resolutions was to incorporate more yoga into my fitness routine and I am proud to say I have started to do so! I haven’t taken yoga in quite some time and it has been refreshing and liberating to say the least. I wanted to touch upon the power of positive thoughts which is something that I have learned through yoga and motivational books/podcasts. I have been making a priority to do yoga, think positively, stretch and say positive affirmations throughout the day and all of this together has already changed me as a person for the better.

I encourage many of you to take a moment out of the day, whether it’s in the mornings or nights to think positively and say what you are grateful for. Too often we live life and we do as we are told, but we never think about why or take a step back to appreciate what we have. I was very guilty of this but once I started to take some time for myself, I have become more observant of everything around me.

Below are five reasons of why you should practice positive thinking:

  • It will make you realize that you can handle stress, pressure and anything that life throws at you
  • You will be more appreciative of everything and everybody you have
  • You will not take life for granted and not allow little things affect your mood
  • Positive thoughts will give you a bigger picture on what really matters and what’s important to you
  • You will find ways to get know yourself, better yourself and love yourself

I cannot stress how easy it is to change your mindset and to think positively. There are many things in life that we need to work for if we want something such as going to the gym to get fit, going to school for a better education, etc. However, adopting a positive attitude is free. You will need to practice to make it come second nature and it’s a personal work in progress but I have been more patient, more grateful and more balanced. It’s one thing to read a blog post like this, but it’s another to actually do something afterwards. I really hope you guys take away the benefits of positive thinking and try it for just a minute today and let me know how it goes!

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Thomas Falkenstedt February 12, 2017 - 22:06

That actually is something I do every day (unfortunately not the yoga part). I meditate for 10 minutes or more in the evening and afterwards I write down all positive thoughts and good things that have happened during the day. If I for some reason or another should feel gloomy at times I just take out my notes and read them through and realize I’m quite amazing! 🙂


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 12, 2017 - 22:09

That’s so great to hear! I love that you take time to reflect and really get to know yourself spiritually and mentally because I think that’s very important for balance and peace.

Candace February 13, 2017 - 03:31

Yoga is one thing I need to try to incorporate into my fitness routine. I feel like it would help a lot with the stress in my life and for just overall coordination. It looks so relaxing and overall fun!


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 03:49

I’ve been loving it so far and think there are huge benefits to yoga!

Stephanie February 13, 2017 - 04:45

I really loved this post, girly! It’s seriously important to incorporate positive thinking into our lives on a daily basis. I know that for me, it can be a challenge when I’m facing a tricky situation, but that’s when it’s the most necessary! Practicing yoga, meditation, and just enjoying quiet serenity can help refocus your thoughts and put your mind in a better state, so I try to take little breaks throughout every day to just deep breathe and remind myself of the good things I’ve experienced recently, thanking God for all life’s little blessings! Thanks for sharing this!

xo, Stephanie

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 03:49

Thank you for reading it Stephanie! I’m so glad that you loved this post and I know a lot of people can benefit from it if they start to incorporate positive thinking into their daily routine!

Christine Kong February 13, 2017 - 07:24

Yes to positive thinking! I always tell my kids to be more positive and be grateful for what they have yet there are times that I fail to do that for myself. Positive thinking not only sets the mood for your day but also for others as well that surround you. I love this post as I get ready for a new week and will definitely be mindful to not only be positive but also try and keep others positive around me as well! xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 03:48

So glad you are teaching your kids about the benefits of positive thinking. I think what you instill in them is what they will take away as they grow older.

Helen Chik February 13, 2017 - 09:49

I can’t tell you how much I needed to read a post like this because I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown last week and reminding myself of all the positives in my life was so important for me to get through it! Great advise honey <3

Helen xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 03:47

I’m so glad these tips were helpful for you babes! We all go through phases and I have breakdowns here and down so they are totally normal!

Jordan Chapman February 13, 2017 - 20:29

Positivity is a beautiful thing! I love how positive and at peace you seem in this piece and the activewear looks awesome on you!
Jordan xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 03:46

Thank you honey!

Rachel Vogt February 14, 2017 - 01:06

Oh i need to start doing more of this for my self.
xoxo, Rachel

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 03:46

Yes, I think you should definitely start implementing meditation or positive thinking into your daily routine!

Sharon Wu February 14, 2017 - 04:47

giiirrrrl you are so flexible! love your work out gear. i couldn’t agree more with you — being positive is key to living a good life! xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 15:57

The way to flexibility is through yoga!! I also make it a priority to stretch after every workout so that definitely helps 🙂

Kusum February 14, 2017 - 06:16

Couldn’t agree more! Positive thoughts and attitude definitely helps us tackle any situation/problem in a much better way. Also, how cute is that workout outfit.

xx, Kusum | http://www.sveeteskapes.com

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 15:57

Thank you love! I just got it and absolutely love it 🙂

Linh Dao February 14, 2017 - 09:44

Thank you for sharing this post because I believe this is a very important subject! Positive thinking is everything and I need to do more of that especially meditating and yoga! Thanks for sharing babe!


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 14, 2017 - 15:56

Of course love, I’m so glad it was helpful!

Jo February 14, 2017 - 22:57

Thanks for writing about this very important topic! I couldn’t agree more with everything you just said about the importance of positive thinking. I’ve been doing what you mentioned about taking some time to think about the things you are grateful for in your life! It really does help to balance my outlook on life and feel happier if I’ve had a crappy day. It’s so therapeutic and as you said, it’s free!

xo, Jo

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 15, 2017 - 14:04

I am so happy that people like you are responding well to this post. As a blogger that primarily covers fashion and lifestyle, I think sometimes we forget to write about topics other than clothing and beauty. It might seem obvious that there are benefits to positive thoughts but I think talking about it reminds people to actually incorporate it into their lives!

Samantha Mariko February 15, 2017 - 01:38

I totally agree on these points! I try to appreciate what i have a lot more often than I used to, and it feels great! thanks for sharing your thoughts <3

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 15, 2017 - 14:01

I’m glad you are able to appreciate what you have!

Yasmin February 15, 2017 - 05:53

Positive thinking is truly powerful. I tried to get into yoga a long time ago, but it just wasn’t for me. Holding those poses and being quiet are not my forte. But I’m glad that you’ve found something that works for you!

xx Yasmin

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 15, 2017 - 14:00

There are different types of yoga and I definitely prefer the ones that are more about relaxation. You can also just set 10-15 minutes out of your time for yourself and work on breathing. I know yoga isn’t for everybody but I think the concept behind can be beneficial!

Josie February 15, 2017 - 11:27

Loved this post! Positive thinking can make up or break up a day and this is something I learn everyday ( in a good or bad way ) I’m an overly sensitive person so people’s mood can affect mine and I’m trying to work on that. Yoga has helped me too. I try to take 15 min in my day to refocus on what matters in my life and try to erase negative thoughts in my head. Positive thinking is not easy, I have a friend who has mastered it and I’m so envious. At the same time, I know who to talk to when I’m having a bad day, she always know what to say!

Bisous, Josie

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 15, 2017 - 13:59

I can totally relate because I’m very sensitive too. I can get easily irritated or offended because I’m overly emotional haha. I’ve learned to try and cope with all of my feelings and not take things too personally. It’s a work in progress but it’s always good to train your mind to think positively.

Miki February 17, 2017 - 06:30

Great tips! I hardly ever do Yoga because I’m so used to doing high intensity workouts, but when I do, it’s the most incredibly relaxing feeling. It’s when I do my meditation. Honestly, I need to do it more and it’s so great that you make such a great effort to do it regularly! While I am pretty good at bouncing off outside negativity, I could use it to manage my own not-so-positive thoughts due to stress and to help stretch out my horribly tight psoas and hip flexors from working out. It always calms my mind and body. 🙂 I often forget how nice it is to unwind and slow down.


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 17, 2017 - 11:49

I love high intensity workouts too! I think it’s good to mix that with yoga because there are benefits to your body with both types of exercises!

marcy February 17, 2017 - 08:53

YES babe love this. Totally positive thinking can change your day and life one of my goals this year.
I also want to do more yoga this year.


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 17, 2017 - 11:47

Yes I would tofallly recommend incorporating yoga! Maybe try one class a month and go from there 🙂

Deddeh Howard February 18, 2017 - 03:08

You’re the kind of woman I will love to hang around. What a great post.

mariann.yip@gmail.com February 23, 2017 - 19:59

Thanks Deddeh! I do hope one day we can hang out in real life because you seem like such a great person as well!

Atsuna Matsui February 19, 2017 - 05:40

I actually lovee yoga so much!! I particularly love hot yoga. I think yoga is a great way to stay fit, but it’s also so calming and serene for the mind. 🙂 I definitely want to get back into it again.


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 23, 2017 - 19:49

I haven’t done hot yoga in ages! It’s a difficult workout but I think the benefits are amazing!

Bernice February 24, 2017 - 00:10

So very true! We must always re-evaluate our lives and find happiness where we can xx


mariann.yip@gmail.com February 24, 2017 - 16:00

So glad you agree!


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