by mariann.yip@gmail.com
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*Outfit Details with affiliate links: Top (Chelsea and Walker), Strappy Heels (Alexandre Birman), High Waisted Pants (Bar III), Bag (DVF), Sunglasses (Quay Australia) 

We all know that bloggers make money off of sponsored posts and I wanted to talk about this topic since it’s not something that people like to talk about. I have done a handful of sponsored posts and I have learned some important lessons from both positive and negative experiences. Rather than diving into details about my personal experience, I rather give you tips on how to have a successful partnership with a brand.

I cannot reiterate the importance of building relationships. I remembered when I was first approached for a sponsored post, it was such an odd feeling because I didn’t know I can monetize off of my social media. However, looking back I am very grateful for that initial shock because I know that I fell into blogging simply for the love of it rather for the money. During those few opportunities, I was excited and said yes to a lot of them. Yes, to be frank there were some brands that I regret working with because I know now that they didn’t benefit my brand or online presence. Nonetheless, I take every experience as a learning opportunity and my motto in life is “Now you know.”

Two years later, I have come to terms of who I am and what I value. I am extremely picky when it comes to the brands that I work with now and I am hoping these tips will be helpful when you make your decision of partnering with a brand or not.

  • Make sure the brand is something you’re happy about partnering with: I have seen too many people promote products that I know they don’t use and it’s heartening to see what people will do for money. At the end of the day, your followers can see whether the product or brand aligns with your lifestyle. The main question to ask yourself is, “Would I post about this brand if I weren’t getting paid for it?” If the answer is yes, then the partnership makes sense. And if the answer is no, then you should pass for it.
  • Find your happy price: I have gained negotiating and business skills through blogging and I highly recommend you all to find your happy price when it comes to sponsored posts. Don’t undervalue yourself and don’t be afraid to set your price. You would regret settling if you realize that you did more work than anticipated. I always look at the deliverable and try to quantify how much time I will dedicate and price my post through that calculation.
  • Do your best and even overdeliver: Now that you’ve secured a partnership, make sure you put 110% in your content and feel free to even overdeliver. At the end of the day, the brand wants to be happy about partnering with you and they will decide whether to work with you again depending on your work ethic. Always remember to keep it professional because you can turn a one time partnership to a long term and who doesn’t want that?

I hope these tips were helpful and I wish I knew about them when I started my blogging journey. I still go back to these three tips whenever I am unsure about proceeding with a partnership or not. Let me know if you have any more tips and what else you’d like me to touch base on for my next post!

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Jessie June 23, 2017 - 02:07

Such a great post! Thanks for sharing your blogging and work relationship tips here. I definitely think find the brands you love about and represent them well is the key.

xx, Jessie

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 23, 2017 - 17:10

It all comes down to aligning with brands that match your values and image.

Aftonklänningar June 23, 2017 - 02:26

I’m loving your shoes and bag, they are great pieces!

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 23, 2017 - 17:09

Thank you!

Gracie June 23, 2017 - 02:32

Mariann what great advice. When I first started, I found myself posting products I loved without getting paid for it. But I now have learned to do both. Loved this post and your outfit.



mariann.yip@gmail.com June 23, 2017 - 17:09

It’s still a learning process since this whole social media/ influencer marketing is new, but I’m always learning as I go.

Sharon Wu June 23, 2017 - 16:48

These are all great tips babe! I practice them myself too and have had great results getting really wonderful brand partnerships. Thanks for sharing! xo, sharon


mariann.yip@gmail.com June 23, 2017 - 17:09

So glad you found these tips helpful. They might seem common sense but I think it’s important to remember them!

Jessi Malay June 23, 2017 - 20:25

Yess preach girl! These are awesome tips babe<3 Finding brands you really love and identify with is definitely a key factor. Love your sunnies too!

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 24, 2017 - 17:13

It should be an easy match and perfect fit!

Christine Kong June 24, 2017 - 06:46

These are great tips and I totally understand where you are coming from. I too started for the fun of it and now that it has become a lot of work, it is great that brands realize that and are willing to support your posts and creativity. I agree that giving it your 110% is always beneficial in the long run. It is about making connections and lasting relationships. I always try to be as clear as possible when starting so that no one is disappointed and everyone is on the same page. Thanks for this post! xoxo, Christine

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 24, 2017 - 17:13

I’ve learned that it’s good to always be clear about the deliverables before a campaign as well! I like to either hop on a call or have a detailed email to make sure we are always on the same page. Brand relationships can make or break you!

Deddeh Howard June 26, 2017 - 00:30

Love these tips, they are so helpful. Thanks for sharing beautiful.

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 26, 2017 - 14:41

So glad you found them helpful!

Jordan Chapman June 26, 2017 - 02:09

That second tip is something people often don’t think about! It’s such a balance and weighing whether or not the partnership is worth it, and it doesn’t just revolve around money. These are great tips and I think more bloggers need to think all of this through!
Jordan xx

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 26, 2017 - 14:40

I’ve learned a lot with brand partnerships and it’s easy to jump on every opportunity because it’s exciting to work with a brand, but I am now more picky because I know my own image is on the line with who I associate myself with.

Stephanie June 26, 2017 - 13:39

These are definitely important things to consider with partnerships. I think it’s so necessary to really love the brand you’re talking about!

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 26, 2017 - 14:38

I definitely agree! I think we all know when it doesn’t quite feel right.

Samantha Mariko June 26, 2017 - 15:30

These are all great points of advice! Doing the extra work sometimes can go a long way and even lead to a second collaboration or more!

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 26, 2017 - 17:47

Yes I always try to treat each collaboration as a professional project and the more effort you put in, the better in the long run!

Jenn Hanft June 27, 2017 - 03:06

These tips are so great!! I completely agree with aligning yourself with a brand you believe in. If you’re in it for the free stuff and the money, then maybe blogging isn’t exactly for you. I also definitely agree with the self worth factor! Know your worth and your value!!

With love, Jenn

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 27, 2017 - 22:10

I’ve learned the importance of self worth over the last two years of blogging but it’s been a great learning experience and I am so happy for all the skills and lessons I’ve acquired over my collaborations!

Bernice June 29, 2017 - 05:38

It’s definitely so important to make good relationships with brands but also only associate with brands that resonate with your own core values 🙂


mariann.yip@gmail.com June 30, 2017 - 14:09

I couldn’t agree more!

Jo June 30, 2017 - 04:00

Really great tips for bloggers starting out! It took me a bit of time to learn these things too, but as wth many things experience over time guides the way to knowledge. Dedication and professionalism can truly go a long way to maintaining strong relationships.

mariann.yip@gmail.com June 30, 2017 - 14:08

Yes definitely! It’s extremely important to treat each project with professionalism.

Kate Tik July 3, 2017 - 16:47

Thank you so much for sharing these tips! As a blogger it is so hard to say no sometimes, but absolutely necessary. There’s nothing like working with a brand that you absolutely love.


mariann.yip@gmail.com July 4, 2017 - 14:32

It’s all about figuring what aligns with your brand. I think we all know when it feels right and when it doesn’t.


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